
Enumerations #

Name Values
This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

Name Type Value
This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Description
This class does not expose any events.

Methods #

Definition Description
Constructor( sLabel as String, cFill as Color, cStroke as Color, cHighlightFill as Color, cHighlightStroke as Color, cPoint as Color, cPointStroke as Color, cPointHighlight as Color, cPointHighlightStroke as Color, DataPoints() as Double ) Creates an instance of this class with the parameters as property values.
Constructor( sLabel as String, nValue as Integer, cFill as Color, cHighlight as Color )

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
Data() Double Nil The values of each datapoint for applicable chart types.
DatasetValue Integer 0 The value of the dataset for applicable chart types.
FillColor Color &c000000 The color used to fill the dataset on the chart.
HighlightFill Color &c000000 The color used to fill the dataset on the chart when the mouse is hovering on the dataset.
HighlightStroke Color &c000000 The color used for the dataset’s stroke on the chart when the mouse is hovering on the dataset.
Label String “” The label of the current dataset.
PointColor Color &c000000 The color used to draw the background on the data point.
PointHighlightFill Color &c000000 The color used to fill the data point when the mouse is hovering on the data point.
PointHighlightStroke Color &c000000 The color used for the data point’s stroke when the mouse is hovering on the data point.
PointStrokeColor Color &c000000 The color used to stroke the data point.
StrokeColor Color &c000000 The color used to stroke the dataset.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.