
Images #

About #

GraffitiKanban is an amazing idea-board and collaboration component. Build out a project management application, save notes easily, or anything else you can dream up!


  • Responsive column resizing
  • Drag columns or items to rearrange
  • Supports Dark Mode
  • Easily build in lists

Enumerations #

Name Values
DropBehaviors Revert

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
ColumnAddPressed column as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Fired when the user clicks the button at the bottom of a column
ColumnMenuItemPressed column as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Fired when the user clicks or taps one of a column’s GraffitiKanbanMenuItems
item as GraffitiKanbanMenuItem
ColumnMoved column as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Fired when the user moves a column by dragging
newIndex as Integer
ColumnRemoved column as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Fired when a column is removed as a result of the user dragging it off the display. This only occurs when using the Remove DropBehavior
ColumnSubtitleChanged column as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Fired when the user changes the subtitle text of a column
ColumnTitleChanged column as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Fired when the user changes the subtitle text of a column
ItemAvatarPressed column as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Fired when the user clicks an item’s avatar image
ItemButtonPressed item as GraffitiKanbanItem None Fired when the user clicks the button of an item
ItemContentChanged item as GraffitiKanbanItem None Fired when the user edits the content of an item
ItemMoved item as GraffitiKanbanItem None Fired when an item is drag-moved by the user
fromColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn
toColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn
ItemRemoved item as GraffitiKanbanItem None Fired when an item is removed by user dragging it off the display. This only occurs when using the Remove DropBehavior
fromColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn
ItemTitleChanged item as GraffitiKanbanItem None Fired when the user edits an item’s title
ItemValueChanges item as GraffitiKanbanItem None Fire when the user checks or unchecks the item’s checkbox
ListItemChanged onItem as GraffitiKanbanItem, item as GraffitiKanbanListItem None Fired when the user edits a list item on a GraffitiKanbanItem
ListItemPressed onItem as GraffitiKanbanItem, item as GraffitiKanbanListItem None Fired when the user clicks or taps on a list item

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
AddColumn col as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Adds the specified column to display
AddItem col as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Adds the specified item to the specified column
item as GraffitiKanbanItem
AddListItem toItem as GraffitiKanbanItem None Adds the specified list item to the specified GraffitiKanbanItem
item as GraffitiKanbanListItem
AddMenuItem col as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Adds the specified menu item to the specified GraffitiKanbanColumn
item as GraffitiKanbanMenuItem
Column atIndex as Integer GraffitiKanbanColumn Returns the column object at the specified index
InsertColumn atIndex as Integer None Inserts col at the atIndex position
col as GraffitiKanbanColumn
InsertItem atIndex as Integer None Inserts item to onColumn at the index specified by atIndex
onColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn
item as GraffitiKanbanItem
InsertListItem atIndex as Integer Inserts item in to the list items of onItem at the index specified by atIndex
onItem as GraffitiKanbanItem
item as GraffitiKanbanListItem
InsertMenuItem atIndex as Integer Inserts item in to the menu items of onColumn as the index specified by atIndex
onColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn
item as GraffitiKanbanMenuItem
Item col as GraffitiKanbanColumn GraffitiKanbanItem Return the item at index on col
index as Integer
LastColumnIndex None Integer Returns the index of the final added column
LastItemIndex col as GraffitiKanbanColumn Integer Returns the index of the final added item on col
LastListItemIndex item as GraffitiKanbanItem Integer Returns the index of the final added list item on item
LastMenuItemIndex col as GraffitiKanbanColumn Integer Returns the index of the final added menu item on col
ListItem item as GraffitiKanbanItem GraffitiKanbanListItem Returns the GraffitiKanbanListItem at the specified index on item
index as Integer
MenuItem col as GraffitiKanbanColumn GraffitiKanbanMenuItem Returns the menu item specified by index from col
index as Integer
RemoveColumn col as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Removes the specified column from the component
RemoveItem col as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Removes the item specified from the passed column
item as GraffitiKanbanItem
RemoveListItem onItem as GraffitiKanbanItem None Removes item from the list items of onItem
item as GraffitiKanbanListItem
RemoveMenuItem col as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Remove item from col
item as GraffitiKanbanMenuItem
ScrollTo col as GraffitiKanbanColumn None Scrolls horizontally and vertically to the specified column
ScrollTo item as GraffitiKanbanItem None Scrolls horizontally and vertically to the specified column

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
ColumnDropBehavior DropBehaviors Revert How drag and drop operations which result in the column being dropped outside of a valid drop target are to be resolved
ColumnsWidthExtraLarge Integer 20 Percentage width of columns when the display width is greater than 1200 pixels
ColumnsWidthExtraSmall Integer 100 Percentage width of columns when the display width is less than 576 pixels. This will also result in the columns reordering to a vertical stack rather spanning horizontally across the display
ColumnsWidthLarge Integer 33 Percentage width of columns when the display width is greater than 992 pixels but less than 1200 pixels
ColumnsWidthMedium Integer 50 Percentage width of columns when the display width is greater than 768 pixels but less than 992 pixels
ColumnsWidthSmall Integer 50 Percentage width of columns when the display width is greater than 576 pixels but less than 768 pixels
DropBehavior DropBehaviors Revert How drag and drop operations which result in the item being dropped outside of a valid drop target are to be resolved

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.</code>