
View Categories

Enumerations #

Name Values
TravelModes Driving
UnitSystems Imperial

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
Constructor origin as GraffitiMap.Point None Creates a new instance.
destination as GraffitiMap.Point
UpdatePath None None Call this when you have finished making programmatic changes to the route’s waypoints array to send the updated data to the client.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
AvoidFerries Boolean False When True, the route will be plotted to avoid any ferries.
AvoidHighways Boolean False When True, the route will be plotted to avoid any highways.
AvoidTolls Boolean False When True, the route will be plotted to avoid any tolls.
Destination GraffitiMap.Point Nil End point for the route.
Editable Boolean False When True, the user may drag the route to alter it.
Origin GraffitiMap.Point Start point for the rout.
ProvideAlternatives Boolean False When True, the map will provide alternatives within the display that the user may choose.
ResolveNames Boolean False When True, partial addresses or place names will be decoded using the Google Geocoder APIautomatically when the RouteChanged event is raised (which also occurs immediately upon display of the route). Your API Key must have Geocoder enabled.
TravelMode TravelModes Driving Intended means of transportation to route.
UnitSystem UnitSystems Imperial Unit system used in directions text.
waypoints GraffitiMap.Directions.Waypoint() Nil Array containing waypoints between Origin and Destination.

Examples #

Sample Route #

var directionsToNY as new GraffitiMap.Directions.Route( johnsonCity.Position, new GraffitiMap.Point( "New York, NY" ) )
directionsToNY.Editable = True
me.Directions = directionsToNY

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.