
Images #


About #

GraffitiMapViewer embeds the power of Google Maps in your cross-platform desktop applications.


  • Markers
  • Lines
  • Ovals
  • Polygons
  • Routes and Waypoints
  • Ovals
  • Automatic Geocoder Resolution
  • Heatmap Overlays
  • Image Overlays

Enumerations #

Name Values
GestureHandlingTypes Auto
MapStyles Standard
MapTypes Roadmap
ZoomLevels World = 1
Continent = 5
City = 10
Streets = 15
Buildings = 20

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
DoublePressed x as Integer None Raised when the user has double-pressed or -clicked the map.
y as Integer
MapTypeChanged None None Raised when the user has changed the map type.
MarkerContextPressed marker as GraffitiMap.Marker None Raised when the user had right-clicked the specified marker.
pageX as Integer, pageY as Integer
MarkerMouseEnter marker as GraffitiMap.Marker None Raised when the user’s mouse has entered the specified marker’s display area.
MarkerMouseExit marker as GraffitiMap.Marker None Raised when the user’s mouse has exited the specified marker’s display area.
MarkerPositionChanged marker as GraffitiMap.Marker None Raised when the user has dragged the specified marker to a new position.
MarkerPressed marker as GraffitiMap.Marker None Raise the user has double-pressed or -clicked the specified marker.
MouseEnter None None Raised when user’s mouse has entered the map’s display area.
MouseExit None None Raised when user’s mouse has exited the map’s display area.
PopupHidden popup as GraffitiMap.Popup None Raised when user has closed the specified popup by clicking its close button.
PositionChanged None None Raised when the user has changed the map’s position by dragging or zooming.
Pressed x as Integer None Raised when the user has pressed or clicked on the map’s display.
y as Integer
position as GraffitiMap.Point
RouteChanged route as GraffitiMap.Directions.Route None Raised when the Route has been edited by the user.
RouteError route as GraffitiMap.Directions.Route None Raised when an error was encountered while the Directions API attempting to create the specified Route.
message as String
ShapeChanged shape as GraffitiMap.Shapes.Shape None Raised when a shape has been altered or repositioned the user.
ShapeContextPressed shape as GraffitiMap.Shapes.Shape None Raised when the user has right-clicked or long-pressed on a shape.
pageX as Integer
pageY as Integer
ShapeDoublePressed shape as GraffitiMap.Shapes.Shape None Raised when the user has double-pressed or -clicked on the specified shape.
ShapeMouseEnter shape as GraffitiMap.Shapes.Shape None Raised when the user’s mouse has entered the shape’s display area.
ShapeMouseExit shape as GraffitiMap.Shapes.Shape None Raised when the user’s mouse has exited the shape’s display area.
ShapePressed shape as GraffitiMap.Shapes.Shape None Raised when the user presses or clicks the specified shape.
ZoomChanged None None Raised when the user has changed the ZoomLevel.

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
AddImageOverlay overlay as GraffitiMap.Overlays.Image None Add the specified image overlay to the current map.
AddMapStyle name as String None Adds a new MapStyle (set MapStyle to Custom).
style as JSONItem
AddMarker marker as GraffitiMap.Marker None Adds the specified marker to the map.
AddPopup popup as GraffitiMap.Popup None Adds the specified popup instance to the map (hidden until explicitly shown).
AddRoute route as GraffitiMap.Directions.Route None Adds the specified route to the map.
AddShape shape as GraffitiMap.Shapes.Shape None Adds the specified shape to the map.
FitBounds bounds as GraffitiMap.Bounds None Pans and Zooms the map to display the specified area.
ImageOverlayAt index as Integer GraffitiMap.Overlays.Image Image overlay at the specified index.
LastImageOverlayIndex None Integer Index of the final image overlay present in the internal array.
LastMarkerIndex None Integer Index of the final marker present in the internal array.
LastPopupIndex None Integer Index of the final popup present in the internal array.
LastRouteIndex None Integer Index of the final route present in the internal array.
LastShapeIndex None Integer Index of the final shape present in the internal array.
MarkerAt index as Integer GraffitiMap.Marker Marker object at the specified index.
PanBy offset as Xojo.Point None Pans the map’s display by X/Y in pixels.
PanTo position as GraffitiMap.Point None Scrolls the map to show the specified position. Alternatively, set the Position property.
PopupAt index as Integer GraffitiMap.Popup Returns the popup as the specified index.
RemoveAllImageOverlays None None Removes all image overlays from the component.
RemoveAllMarkers None None Removes all markers from the component.
RemoveAllPopups None None Removes all popups from the component.
RemoveAllRoutes None None Removes all routes from the component.
RemoveAllShapes None None Removes all shapes from the component.
RemoveImageOverlays overlay as GraffitiMap.Overlays.Image None Removes the specified image overlay. Use MarkerAt in conjunction with RemoveMarker to remove by index.
RemoveMarker marker as GraffitiMap.Marker None Removes the specified marker. Use MarkerAt in conjunction with RemoveMarker to remove by index.
RemovePopup popup as GraffitiMap.Popup None Removes the specified popup. Use PopupAt in conjunction with RemovePopup to remove by index.
RemoveRoute route as GraffitiMap.Directions.Route None Removes the specified route. Use RouteAt in conjunction with RemoveRoute to remove by index.
RemoveShape shape as GraffitiMap.Shapes.Shape None Removes the specified shape. Use ShapeAt in conjunction with RemoveShape to remove by index.
RouteAt index as Integer GraffitiMap.Directions.Route Returns the route at the specified index.
ShapeAt index as Integer GraffitiMap.Shapes.Shape Returns the shape at the specified index.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
APIKey String “” Google Maps API Key. To use Directions, your key must have the directions API enabled.
BackgroundColor Color &c000000 Color to apply to the map’s backdrop.
CanDoubleClickToZoom Boolean True When True, double-clicking the map will cause ZoomLevel to increase.
CanMouseWheelToZoom Boolean True When True, the mousewheel will alter the ZoomLevel.
CanUseKeyboard Boolean True When True, keyboard shortcuts are enabled.
DirectionsSidebarWidth Integer 30 Size in rem (based on font-size) for directions sidebar.
GestureHandlingType GestureHandlingTypes Auto When a user scrolls a page that contains a map, the scrolling action can unintentionally cause the map to zoom. This behavior can be controlled using the gestureHandling map option. (
HasBicyclingLayer Boolean False When True, the map will display known bicycle paths.
HasDirectionsSidebar Boolean True When True, setting a Directions.Route will cause the directions sidebar to display with a list of route steps.
HasFullScreenControl Boolean True When True, a button will be displayed that, when clicked, expands the map to fill the screen.
HasPanControl Boolean True When True, a pan control will be visible in applicable views.
HasRotateControl Boolean True When True, a rotate control will be visible in applicable views.
HasScaleControl Boolean True When True, a scale control will be visible in applicable views.
HasStreetViewControl Boolean True When True, the street view control will be visible in applicable views.
HasTrafficLayer Boolean False When True, the map will display current traffic conditions.
HasTransitLayer Boolean False When True, the map will display known public transit paths.
Heading Integer 0 Value, in degrees, of the map’s display direction.
IsTilted Boolean False When True, the map will tilt by 45 degrees for applicable views.
MapStyle MapStyles Standard The display style to apply to the map and its element.
MapStyleName String “” Map style to apply when MapStyle is set to Custom.
MapType MapTypes Roadmap Type of map to display.
Position GraffitiMap.Point (0, 0) Center point of the map’s display.
ZoomLevel Integer 10 While the value is an integer, there is a corresponding enumeration to assist with value selection.
ZoomLevelMaximum Integer 20 Limits the maximum zoom level that the user can achieve.
ZoomLevelMinimum Integer 1 Limits the minimum zoom level that the user can achieve.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

API Key #

The APIKey property should be set in the IDE’s Inspector to ensure that it is available before it is needed due to the unreliability of event order.

Disposable Objects #

The following object instances should be considered disposable, and may be discarded at will by the component. It’s best not to keep references to these objects or assume that they will be reused when the user has made relevant changes in the browser:

  • GraffitiMap.Bounds
  • GraffitiMap.Point
  • GraffitiMap.Directions.Waypoint