
Images #

About #

GraffitiOrgChart is a simple yet powerful class to display interactive data in a hierarchical manner in your user interface. This class supports adding and removing nodes by the user, as well as editing node content at runtime.

Enumerations #

Name Values
Directions TopToBottom

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Description
ItemAdded item as GraffitiOrgChartItem Raised when the user adds an item using the + button on an existing item.
ItemContentChanged item as GraffitiOrgChartItem Raised when user has edited an item’s text.
ItemDragged item as GraffitiOrgChartItem Raised when the user has changed the location of an item by dragging with the mouse.
ItemRemoved item as GraffitiOrgChartItem Raised when the user has removed an item using the × button.
ItemTitleChanged item as GraffitiOrgChartItem Raised when the user has changed the title of an existing item.
SelectionChanged None Raised when the user selects an item.

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
AddItem item as GraffitiOrgChartItem None Adds the specified item as a child of the root node.
fromJSON data as JSONItem None Loads items from a JSONItem.
Item index as Integer GraffitiOrgChartItem Returns the item specified by the index.
LastIndex None Integer Returns the index of the last child of the root node.
RemoveAll None None Removes all items.
RemoveItem index as Integer None Removes the item specified by index.
RemoveItem item as GraffitiOrgChartItem None
ResetView None None Resets the view to center the chart.
ScrollTo item as GraffitiOrgChartItem = Nil None Scrolls to the specified node. If item is Nil the root node is centered.
toJSON None JSONItem Exports the current items to a JSONItem.
Zoom level as Double None Sets the Zoom level with 1.0 being a 1:1 object size ratio.
ZoomIn None None Zooms in.
ZoomOut None None Zooms out.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
RootNodeContent String “” Text displayed in the root node.
RootNodeTitle String “Root” Text displayed as the title of the root node.
SelectedItem GraffitiOrgChartItem Nil The currently selected item.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.