
Images #

About #

GraffitiPropertyList emulates the PropertyList control seen in many software development IDEs.


  • Boolean Properties
  • Single-line String Properties
  • Multi-line String Properties
  • Integer Properties
  • Image Properties
  • Color Properties
  • Read-only Properties
  • Fully customizable list properties
  • Custom Value Modification Buttons
  • Categorization
  • Cell AutoComplete
  • Save to XML
  • Load from XML

Enumerations #

Name Values
This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

Name Type Value
This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Description
CollapseHeader( currHeader as PropertyListHeader ) Fired when a header is collapsed.
CustomCellClick(Node as PropertyListChild, X as Integer, Y as Integer) Fired when a cell of type kChildCustom is clicked.
CustomIconPaint(Node as PropertyListChild, X as Integer, Y as Integer) Fired when the icon is being painted for a cell of type of kChildCustom.
ExpandHeader( currHeader as PropertyListHeader ) Fired when a header is expanded.
HeaderBackgroundPaint( g as Graphics ) As Boolean Fired before any background painting is carried out on headers. Return true if you draw to the graphics context.
MouseOver( currHeader as PropertyListHeader, currChild as PropertyListChild ) Raised when the user mouses over a head or child.
NameBackgroundPaint( g as Graphics, IsSelected as Boolean ) As Boolean Raised before drawing is carried on child name backgrounds. Return true if you modify the graphics context.
UnusedBackgroundPaint( g as Graphics ) As Boolean Triggered when the class is about to draw empty rows. Return True if you modify the graphics context.
ValueChange( Node as PropertyListChild, Tag As String = “” ) Fired when the value of a PropertyListChild has changed.

Methods #

Definition Description
CBool( Value As String ) As Boolean Converts a string to a boolean value.
FindChild( childText as String, childValue as String ) as PropertyListChild Find the child matching the specified criteria.
FindChildInHeader( HeaderText as, ChildName as String ) as GraffitiPropertyListChild
FindHeader( HeaderText as String ) as PropertyListHeader Find the header matching the specified criteria.
FindHeaderByChild( SearchChild as PropertyListChild ) as PropertyListHeader
FromXML( XMLString as String ) Populates the propertylist from an XML string.
GetColorPicture( c as Color, intWidth as Integer, intHeight as Integer ) as Picture Creates an image for a color.
LockUpdate() Prevents the UI from updating until UnlockUpdate is called.
Reload() Clears and rebuild the component’s display.
RemoveHeader( HeaderText as String ) as Boolean Removes a header from the display.
ToXML() as String Exports the current state to an XML string.
UnlockUpdate() Updates the UI of any changes carried out during the LockUpdate period.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
AutoEdit Boolean True If True, clicking a value cell automatically begins editing.
Button_Browse Picture Nil Picture to use for file browsing button.
Button_Edit Picture Nil Picture to use for text edit button.
Button_Int Picture Nil Picture to use for integer edit button.
Button_Popup Picture Nil Picture to use for popup button.
CustomStyle Boolean Nil If true, will use custom color properties for drawing.
ExpanderColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the row tree expanders.
HeaderBGColor Color &c000000 Background color for header items.
HeaderBold Boolean False Font weight of header item text.
HeaderItalic Boolean False Text decoration of header text.
Headers() PropertyListHeader Nil Array of header items. Changes to this property will not be propagated unless you call Reload().
HeaderTextColor Color &c000000 Text color of header items.
HeaderTextFont String “System” Text font of header items.
HeaderTextSize Integer 0 Font size of header items.
HeaderUnderline Boolean False Text decoration of header text.
IconColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the edit icons for rows’ values.
NameBGColor Color &c000000 Background color of child names.
NameBGHighlight Color &c000000 Background highlight color of child names.
NameBold Boolean False Font weight of child names.
NameItalic Boolean False Italicize child names.
NameTextColor Color &c000000 Text color of child names.
NameTextFont String “System” Text font of child names.
NameTextSize Integer 0 Font size of child names.
NameUnderline Boolean False Text decoration of child names.
ResizeColumns Boolean False Allow users to resize columns.
RowHeight Integer 32 The height of each row.
UnusedBGColor Color &c000000 Color used to fill unused area of the control.
ValueBGColor Color &c000000 Background color of child values.
ValueBGHighlight Color &c000000 Background highlight color of child values.
ValueBold Boolean False Font weight of child values.
ValueItalic Boolean False Italicize child values.
ValueTextColor Color &c000000 Text color of child values.
ValueTextFont String “System” Text font of child values.
ValueTextSize Integer 0 Font size of child values.
ValueUnderline Boolean False Text decoration of child values.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.