
Images #

About #

GraffitiActionBar is a recreation of a popular OS X UI element which provides easy access to common actions and interface manipulation.


  • Left-side window splitting
  • Right-side window splitting
  • Automatic determination of controls to resize by parent and position
  • Events for Hover, Click, and Resize

Enumerations #

Name Values
Alignments Left
HandlePosition Right
Styles Glare

Constants #

Name Type Value
This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Description
ButtonClick( ButtonIndex as Integer, ButtonPicture as Picture ) Fired when a button has been clicked.
ButtonHover( ButtonIndex as Integer, ButtonPicture as Picture ) Fired when the mouse is over a button.
Resized() Fired when the resize handle is used.

Methods #

Definition Description
AddButton( Button as Picture, Button2x as Picture ) Adds a button to the ActionBar.
ButtonCount() as Integer Returns the count of buttons currently added to the ActionBar (subtract one for iteration).
GetButton( Index as Integer, Button2x as Boolean = False ) as Picture Returns the picture of the button at Index.
RemoveAllButtons() Remove all buttons from the ActionBar.
RemoveButton( Index as Integer, Button2x as Boolean ) Remove the specified button from the ActionBar.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
BGColor Color &c000000 The background color of the items and UseCustomColors is True.
BGHover Color &c000000 The background color of the items when the mouse is hovering over them and UseCustomColors is True.
BGPressed Color &c000000 The background color of the items when the mouse is pressed on them and UseCustomColors is True.
BorderColor Color &c000000 The border color of the buttons and class when UseCustomColors is True.
ButtonPosition Alignments Left Determines the placement of the buttons in the control’s display area.
HandleColorDark Color &c000000 The dark color of the resize handle when UseCustomColors is True.
HandleColorLight Color &c000000 The light color of the resize handle when UseCustomColors is True.
HandlePosition Integer 0 The position of the resize handle on the control.
MinimumLeft Integer 10 The minimum remaining width to the left of the control on resize.
MinimumRight Integer 10 The maximum remaining width to the right of the control on resize.
Style Integer 0 The appearance of the class and buttons.
UseCustomColors Boolean False Draws items using the defined colors in the class’s properties.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.