
Images #

About #

GraffitiDateTimePicker is an advanced chronological selector that combines both a date picker and time picker in to a single component. It has a wide variety of features including complete color customization, and views for time, month, year, and decade.

Enumerations #


Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

DateClick( newDate as Date )The user clicked on a date.
MonthClick( theMonth as Integer )The user clicked on a month.
MouseOverDate( overDate as Date )The user moved their mouse over a date.
MouseOverMonth( theMonth as Integer )The user moved their mouse over a month.
MouseOverYear( theYear as Integer )The user moved their mouse over a year.
SelectionChanged()The user has select or deselected dates.
TimeChange( Hour as Integer, Minute as Integer )The user has changed the time values.
YearClick( theYear as Integer )The user has clicked a year.

Methods #

DeselectAll()Deselects all selected dates.
DeselectValue( theDate as Date )Deselects the specified date.
NextMonth()Navigate to the next month.
NextYear()Navigate to the next year.
PreviousMonth()Navigate to the previous month.
PreviousYear()Navigate to the previous year.
SelectValue( theDate as Date )Adds a date to the selection if multiple selections are possible, otherwise sets the current selection to theDate.
SetTime( d as Date )Sets the displayed time to the specified value.
SetTime( intHour as Integer, intMinute as Integer )
ShowDate( theDate as Date, theView as ViewTypes )Switches to theView type and brings theDate in to view.
Values() as DateTime()Returns an array of the selected dates.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
ArrowColorColor&c000000Color of the arrows to navigate.
ArrowColorHoverColor&c000000Color of the navigation arrows when hovered.
ArrowColorHoverBGColor&c000000Background color of navigation arrows when hovered.
BGColor as ColorColor&c000000Background color for all views.
BorderSizeInteger5Size of padding around the outside of the views.
CurrentDateBGColorColor&c000000Background color of current date in view.
DaysBoldBooleanFalseDisplay days in bold.
DaysFontNameString“System”Font used to draw days.
DaysFontSizeInteger0Font size for drawing days.
DaysItalicBooleanFalseDisplay days italicized.
DaysTextColorColor&c000000Color of days.
DaysUnderlineBooleanFalseUnderline days.
FirstDayOfWeekDaysOfWeekDaysOfWeek.SundaySets the first day of the calendar week
HeaderBGColorColor&c000000Background color of the view header area.
HeaderBoldBooleanFalseMake header text bold.
HeaderCornerRadiusInteger0Draw rounded corners on header background>
HeaderFontNameString“System”Font name used to draw header text.
HeaderFontSizeInteger0Size of font in header.
HeaderItalicBooleanFalseItalicize header text.
HeaderUnderlineBooleanFalseUnderline header text.
Locale_DaysString“Su;Mo;Tu;We;Th;Fr;Sa”Text to use for days names.
Locale_MonthsString“Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec”Text to use for month names.
LockViewBooleanFalseWhen true, does not allow the user to navigate between views.
MonthTextColorColor&c000000Text color of month names.
SelectedDateBackgroundColor&c000000Background color of currently selected dates.
SelectedDateTextColor&c000000Foreground color of selected dates.
SelectionTypeGraffitiDateTimePicker.SelectionTypesSelectionTypes.SingleSets the selection type, either Single or Range.
ShowNavigationBooleanTrueDraws buttons for navigating from month-to-month, year-to-year, etc.
ShowViewButtonBooleanTrueDraws the button for navigation between calendar views. IE: Decade, Year, Month, Time.
Time24HourBooleanFalseDisplays time in 24-hour instead of 12-hour with AM/PM when true.
TimeHeaderString“”Text to display in the Time view header.
TimeTextSizeInteger24Size of the time text.
UseCustomColorsBooleanFalseOverrides default colors with those from properties.
ViewDateDateTodayThe date that is currently being viewed in the control.
ViewSelectorColorColor&c000000Color to draw the view selector icon.
ViewSelectorHoverBGColorColor&c0000000Color to draw the background of the view selector icon when hovered.
ViewSelectorHoverColorColor&c000000Color to draw the view selector icon when hovered.
ViewTypeViewTypesViewTypes.MonthSets or retrieves the current view type.
WeekdayBoldBooleanFalseSets whether the week day names should be bold.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.