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About #

GraffitiFontPicker provides an interface and functionality for selecting system fonts. This includes loading/saving/displaying recent and favorite fonts, as well as search functionality.

Enumerations #

Name Values

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Description
Change() Fires when the selected font has changed.

Methods #

Definition Description
AddFavorite( item as GraffitiFontPickerItem ) Adds the specified item to the Favorites list.
AddRecent( item as GraffitiFontPickerItem ) Adds the specified item to the Recent list.
Count() As Integer Returns a count of all currently loaded fonts.
Item( itemIndex as Integer ) Returns the GraffitiFontPickerItem at itemIndex.
RemoveFavorite( item as GraffitiFontPickerItem, saveFile as Boolean = True ) Removes a favorite.
RemoveRecent( item as GraffitiFontPickerItem, saveFile as Boolean = True Removes a recent.
SelectItem( item as GraffitiFontPickerItem ) Selects the specified item, and adds it to the Recents list.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
AlwaysShowScrollbars Boolean False Determines if scrollbars are visible based on cursor position or always visible.
ClearText String “Clear” Text displayed in the buttons used to eliminate all items from Recent and Favorites sections.
MaxRecents Integer 4
RowHeight Integer 24 Height of each font’s row.
SearchBackgroundColor Color &cFFFFFF Color of the searchbar’s background.
SearchPlaceholder String “Search” Text displayed when the SearchField is not visible.
ShowFavorites Boolean True Determines the visibility of the “Favorites” section.
ShowRecents Boolean True Determines the visibility of the “Recents” section.
ShowSearch Boolean True Determines the visibility of the “Search” section.
Value String “” The currently selected font name.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.