Table of Contents
Images #
About #
GraffitiFontPicker provides an interface and functionality for selecting system fonts. This includes loading/saving/displaying recent and favorite fonts, as well as search functionality.
Enumerations #
Name | Values |
This class exposes no enumerations.
Constants #
Name | Type | Value |
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Definition | Description |
Change() | Fires when the selected font has changed. |
Methods #
Definition | Description |
AddFavorite( item as GraffitiFontPickerItem ) | Adds the specified item to the Favorites list. |
AddRecent( item as GraffitiFontPickerItem ) | Adds the specified item to the Recent list. |
Count() As Integer | Returns a count of all currently loaded fonts. |
Item( itemIndex as Integer ) | Returns the GraffitiFontPickerItem at itemIndex. |
RemoveFavorite( item as GraffitiFontPickerItem, saveFile as Boolean = True ) | Removes a favorite. |
RemoveRecent( item as GraffitiFontPickerItem, saveFile as Boolean = True | Removes a recent. |
SelectItem( item as GraffitiFontPickerItem ) | Selects the specified item, and adds it to the Recents list. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
AlwaysShowScrollbars | Boolean | False | Determines if scrollbars are visible based on cursor position or always visible. |
ClearText | String | “Clear” | Text displayed in the buttons used to eliminate all items from Recent and Favorites sections. |
MaxRecents | Integer | 4 | |
RowHeight | Integer | 24 | Height of each font’s row. |
SearchBackgroundColor | Color | &cFFFFFF | Color of the searchbar’s background. |
SearchPlaceholder | String | “Search” | Text displayed when the SearchField is not visible. |
ShowFavorites | Boolean | True | Determines the visibility of the “Favorites” section. |
ShowRecents | Boolean | True | Determines the visibility of the “Recents” section. |
ShowSearch | Boolean | True | Determines the visibility of the “Search” section. |
Value | String | “” | The currently selected font name. |
Examples #
This class currently has no examples.
Notes #
This class currently has no notes.