
Images #

About #

GraffitiOptionBox is a powerful CheckBox/RadioButton replacement that uses native-emulating colors and styles for superb modern drawing, and supports a multitude of customization options including:

  • Custom coloring
  • Custom value icon images
  • Custom value icon placement

Enumerations #


Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Clicked()Raised when the user clicks the component.
ValueChanged()Raised when the value of the component has changed.

Methods #

This class exposes no methods.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
AllowKeyboardNavigationBooleanFalseWhen True will allow navigation without grouped controls.
BackgroundColorColor&c000000Background color applied to the component.
BoldBooleanFalseFont weight of the component’s text.
BorderColorColor&c000000Color applied to the component’s text.
CaptionString“Untitled”Text of the component.
IconCheckedPictureNilPicture to draw when the value is True. Applies only when Type = Custom.
IconIndeterminatePictureNilPicture to draw when the value is Indeterminate. Applies only when Type = Custom.
IconUncheckedPictureNilPicture to draw when the value is False. Applies on when Type = Custom.
ItalicBooleanFalseWhen True, Caption is draw italicized.
RadioGroupNameString“”When filled, the component will be part of a group and will scan for other members in its direct parent to change their value as its value changes.
ShiftValueIconsBooleanTrueWhen True, the component will attempt to shift icons to match the current system theme.
SystemColorsBooleanTrueWhen False, the component will use the custom color properties for drawing.
TextColorColor&c000000Color used to draw the Caption.
TextFontString“System”Font face used to draw the Caption.
TextSizeInteger0Font size used to draw the Caption.
TypeTypesCheckBoxThe type of component to draw.
UnderlineBooleanFalseWhen True, Caption will be drawn underlined.
ValueValuesUncheckedThe current Value of the component. Use Values Enumeration.
ValueBBooleanFalseBoolean value matching Values Enumeration.
ValueColorColor&c000000Color applied to the value icon.
ValuePositionPositionsLeftDetermines the position of the Value icon relative to the Caption.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.