
Images #

About #

GraffitiSettings offers a simple way for Xojo developers to load and save their application’s user-specific settings values to an XML file. It supports automatic writing of values on change, automatic selection of default file location, and uses Variant for values so your settings are saved and read the way you intended them to be.

Enumerations #

Name Values
This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

Name Type Value
This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Description
This class exposes no events.

Methods #

Name Parameters Return Type Description
AddPreset name as String None Adds a new static set of preset values to the instance.
values as Dictionary
Erase DeleteFile as Boolean = False None Clears all settings. If DeleteFile is True, then the settings file is removed from the filesystem.
GetValue strKey as String Variant Retrieves a value for the specified setting. DefaultValue will be returned if no entry is found for strKey.
Optional DefaultValue as String = “”
HasPreset name as String Boolean Returns True if a preset has been added with the name specified by the parameter.
Load None None Reload contents from settings file.
LoadPreset name as String None Loads the specified preset in to the main settings memory, overwrites any value whose name does not appear in the ignoredValues array.
ignoredValues() as String
Preset name as String Dictionary Returns the dictionary represented by the specified preset name.
RemoveSetting strKey as String None Remove a setting from the instance and settings file.
RemoveAllPresets None None Clears all added presets.
RemovePreset name as String None Removes the specified preset.
Save None None Update settings file with instance values.
SetValue strKey as String None Sets a new setting in the instance with value supplied by Value.
Value as Variant

Lookups #

Definition Description
(Key as String, Assigns Value as String) Sets the value of a setting by key.
(Key as String, DefaultValue as String = “”) Returns the currently stored value for a key or DefaultValue if not set.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
AlwaysSave Boolean True If True, any change to the instance’s settings will save all values to the file immediately.
Values Dictionary Nil The raw dictionary containing all setting values.

Constructor #


Will automatically select the best place and filename for your settings file. On MacOS the filename is set to the Bundle Identifier, on Linux and Windows it is set to the executable’s filename. On all OSes it is saved to SpecialFolder.Preferences.

Constructor( fileName as String )

Uses a settings file within SpecialFolder.Preferences whose name is contained within the fileName parameter.

Constructor( settingsPath as FolderItem )

Uses the specified file, anywhere on the system.

Examples #

Advanced Usage #

GraffitiSettings makes no assumptions about your data, and largely expects that values supplied will be readily converted to strings for storage in XML. If you are using things like Arrays, Pictures, etc that don’t readily convert to string values, then you should make those conversions yourself before setting the value or after getting the value. As an example, if you wish to store an array of strings, you should use the Join() and Split() methods in the Xojo framework to prepare your values.

Operator Lookup #

Operator Lookup allows you to use keys directly as though they were properties of the GraffitiSettings object. To set values you can implement this as:

mySettings.TextFont = "System"

Or to retrieve a value:

dim myValue as String = mySettings.TextFont("System")