Images #

Requirements #
This class is not supported on Linux due to limitations in Xojo.About #
GraffitiSyntaxEditor is a full featured code and text editor component with support for 34 themes, 142 languages (modes), and the following features:
- Custom Mode Support
- Custom Theme Support
- Annotations
- Breakpoints
- Single-Line Comment Toggling
- Block Comment Toggling
- Built-In Find/Replace
- Code Folding
- Single or Multiple Line Indent
- Print to HTML
- Selection Modification (Duplication, Lowercase, Number alterations, Move, Split, Transpose by Line, Transpose Characters, Uppercase, By Word)
- Built-In GoTo by Line Number
- Undo Stack
- Code Matching Highlight
- Autocomplete
- File Drop Loading
- Visible Margins
- Soft or Hard Tabs
- Tab Size Setting
- Optional Word Wrap
Enumerations #
Name | Values |
AnnotationTypes | Info = 0 |
Warning = 1 | |
Error = 2 | |
Themes | Ambiance = 0 |
Chaos = 1 | |
Chrome = 2 | |
Clouds = 3 | |
CloudsMidnight = 4 | |
Cobalt = 5 | |
CrimsonEditor = 6 | |
Dawn = 7 | |
Dreamweaver = 8 | |
Eclipse = 9 | |
GitHub = 10 | |
IdleFingers = 11 | |
iPlastic = 12 | |
Katzenmilch = 13 | |
KRTheme = 14 | |
Kuroir = 15 | |
Merbivore = 16 | |
MerbivoreSoft = 17 | |
MonoIndustrial = 18 | |
Monokai = 19 | |
PastelOnDark = 20 | |
SolarizedDark = 21 | |
SolarizedLight = 22 | |
SQLServer = 23 | |
Terminal = 24 | |
TextMate = 25 | |
Tomorrow = 26 | |
TomorrowNight = 27 | |
TomorrowNightBlue = 28 | |
TomorrowNightBright = 29 | |
TomorrowNightEighties = 30 | |
Twilight = 31 | |
VibrantInk = 32 | |
XCode = 33 | |
Custom = 34 | |
Modes | ABAP = 0 |
ABC = 0 | |
ActionScript = 1 | |
ADA = 2 | |
ApacheConf = 3 | |
AppleScript = 4 | |
ASCIIDoc = 5 | |
AssemblyX86 = 6 | |
AutoHotKey = 7 | |
BatchFile = 8 | |
Bro = 9 | |
C_CPP = 10 | |
C9Search = 11 | |
Cirru = 12 | |
Clojure = 13 | |
Cobol = 14 | |
CoffeeScript = 15 | |
ColdFusion = 16 | |
CSharp = 17 | |
CSS = 18 | |
Curly = 19 | |
D = 20 | |
Dart = 21 | |
Diff = 22 | |
Django = 23 | |
DockerFile = 24 | |
Dot = 25 | |
Drools = 26 | |
Eiffel = 27 | |
EJS = 28 | |
Elixir = 29 | |
Elm = 30 | |
ERLang = 31 | |
Forth = 32 | |
Fortran = 33 | |
FTL = 34 | |
GCode = 35 | |
Gherkin = 36 | |
GitIgnore = 37 | |
GLSL = 38 | |
Gobstones = 39 | |
GOLang = 40 | |
Groovy = 41 | |
HAML = 42 | |
Handlebars = 43 | |
Haskell = 44 | |
HaskellCabal = 45 | |
Haxe = 46 | |
HJSON = 47 | |
HTML = 48 | |
HTMLElixir = 49 | |
HTMLRuby = 50 | |
INI = 51 | |
IO = 52 | |
Jack = 53 | |
Jade = 54 | |
Java = 55 | |
JavaScript = 56 | |
JSON = 57 | |
JSONIQ = 58 | |
JSP = 59 | |
JSX = 60 | |
Julia = 61 | |
Kotlin = 62 | |
LaTeX = 63 | |
Lean = 64 | |
LESS = 65 | |
Liquid = 66 | |
LISP = 67 | |
Live_Script = 68 | |
LiveScript = 69 | |
LogIQL = 70 | |
LSL = 71 | |
LUA = 72 | |
LUAPage = 73 | |
Lucene = 74 | |
MakeFile = 75 | |
Markdown = 76 | |
Mask = 77 | |
MatLab = 78 | |
Maze = 79 | |
Mel = 80 | |
MIPS_Assembler = 81 | |
MIPSAssembler = 82 | |
MushCode = 83 | |
MySQL = 84 | |
Nix = 85 | |
NSIS = 86 | |
ObjectiveC = 87 | |
OCAML = 88 | |
Pascal = 89 | |
Perl = 90 | |
PGSQL = 91 | |
PHP = 92 | |
PlainText = 93 | |
PowerShell = 94 | |
Praat = 95 | |
Prolog = 96 | |
Properties = 97 | |
Protobuf = 98 | |
Python = 99 | |
R = 100 | |
Razor = 101 | |
RDoc = 102 | |
RHTML = 103 | |
RST = 104 | |
Ruby = 105 | |
Rust = 106 | |
SASS = 107 | |
SCAD = 108 | |
Scala = 109 | |
Scheme = 110 | |
SCSS = 111 | |
SH = 112 | |
SJS = 113 | |
Smarty = 114 | |
Snippets = 115 | |
SoyTemplate = 116 | |
Space = 117 | |
SQL = 118 | |
SQLServer = 119 | |
Stylus = 120 | |
SVG = 121 | |
Swift = 122 | |
Swig = 123 | |
TCL = 124 | |
Tex = 125 | |
Text = 126 | |
Textile = 127 | |
TOML = 128 | |
TSX = 129 | |
Twig = 130 | |
TypeScript = 131 | |
Vala = 132 | |
VBScript = 133 | |
Velocity = 134 | |
Verilog = 135 | |
VHDL = 136 | |
Wollok = 137 | |
XML = 138 | |
Xojo = 139 | |
XQuery = 140 | |
YAML = 141 | |
Custom = 142 |
Constants #
Name | Type | Value |
This class exposes no constants. |
Events #
Definition | Description |
BreakpointAdded( Row as Integer ) | Breakpoint has been added by the user. |
BreakpointRemoved( Row as Integer ) | Breakpoint has been removed by the user. |
Change() | Text content has changed. |
FileDropped(Name as String, Content as String) | The user has dropped a file on the component. |
FoldAdded(startRow as Integer, endRow as Integer) | Raised when the user folds a code block. |
FoldRemoved(startRow as Integer, endRow as Integer) | Raised when the user unfolds a code block. |
SelChange() | Selected text has changed. |
UIReady() | Raised when loading has completed. |
Methods #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
AddAnnotation | Line as Integer | None | Adds an annotation to the right-hand gutter. |
theText as String | |||
AnnotationType as AnnotationTypes | |||
AddBreakpoint | Line as Integer | None | Adds a breakpoint. |
AddMode | modeName as String | None | Adds the specified mode to the component. modeSource should be the JavaScript source of the mode to add. |
modeSource as String | |||
AddTheme | themeName as String | None | Adds the specified theme to the component. themeSource should be the JavaScript source of the theme to add. |
themeSource as String | |||
CenterSelection | None | None | Centers the currently selected text in the viewport. |
ClearAnnotations | None | None | Remove all annotations. |
ClearBreakpoints | None | None | Remove all breakpoints. |
ClearHistory | None | None | Flush Undo/Redo buffers. |
CommentBlockToggle | None | None | Toggle block commenting of the current selection. |
CommentToggle | None | None | Toggle single commenting of the current selection. |
Copy | None | None | Copies the currently selected text to the clipboard. |
Delete | None | None | Deletes the currently selected text from the content. |
DeselectAll | None | None | Deselect all text. |
Find | toFind as String | None | Search for toFind in the text. |
Backwards as Boolean = False | |||
Wrap as Boolean = False | |||
CaseSensitive as Boolean = False | |||
WholeWord as Boolean = False | |||
FindAll | toFind as String | None | Find all instances of toFind in the text. |
FindNext | None | None | Finds the next instance of the text. Requires there first be a Find call. |
FindPrev | None | None | Finds the previous instance of the text. Requires there first be a Find call. |
Fold | None | None | Folds the currently selected block. |
FoldAll | None | None | Folds all blocks in the document. |
GetFolds | None | Dictionary() | Returns all currently folded block coordinates. |
GetLine | Line as Integer as String | None | Get full line text. |
GotoLine | Line as Integer | None | Go to the specified line within the text. |
GotoPageDown | None | None | Go to line one page below current selection. |
GotoPageUp | None | None | Go to line one page above current selection. |
Indent | None | None | Indent the current line. |
InsertLines | newLines() as String | None | Insert lines at selection. |
InsertText | theText as String | None | Insert theText at current selection. |
IsBreakpoint | Row as Integer | Boolean | Determine if the specified row has a breakpoint assigned. |
IsRowFolded | Row as Integer | Boolean | Returns whether the specified row is within a currently folded code block. |
LoaderHide | None | None | Hides the loading spinner. |
LoaderShow | None | None | Shows a loading spinner that covers the entire component. |
MatchingExpandTo | None | None | Expands the current selection within matching blocks. |
MatchingJumpTo | None | None | Moves the cursor to the matching block element corresponding to the current selection. |
NavigateDown | byLines as Integer | None | Move the cursor down. |
NavigateEnd | None | None | Move the cursor to the end of the document. |
NavigateLeft | byCharacters as Integer | None | Move the cursor left by the specified number of characters. |
NavigateLineEnd | None | None | Move cursor to the end of the line. |
NavigateLineStart | None | None | Move cursor to the start of the line. |
NavigateRight | byCharacters as Integer | None | Move the cursor right by the specified number of characters. |
NavigateStart | None | None | Move the cursor to the start of the document. |
NavigateTo | Row as Integer | None | Move cursor to specified position. |
Column as Integer | |||
NavigateUp | byLines as Integer | None | Move the cursor up by the specified number of lines. |
NavigateWordLeft | None | None | Move cursor one word to the left. |
NavigateWordRight | None | None | Move cursor one word to the right. |
Outdent | None | None | Remove an indent from the current line. |
Paste | None | None | Pastes the clipboard text in to the content at the current cursor position. |
PrintDocument | Title as String | FolderItem | Creates a printable format file for the content, then launches the browser to automatically print. Returns a FolderItem in case you wish to retain a copy. |
Theme as Themes | |||
WordWrap as Boolean = True | |||
Redo | None | None | Redo an undone change. |
RemoveAnnotation | Line as Integer | None | Removes an annotation from the specified line. |
RemoveBreakpoint | Line as Integer | None | Removes a breakpoint from the specified line. |
Replace | replaceWith as String | None | Replaces instance with replaceWith. Requires Find or FindAll to be called first. |
ReplaceAll | replaceWith as String | None | Replaces all instances with replaceWith. Requires Find or FindAll to be called first. |
SelectAll | None | None | Select all text in the document. |
SelectDown | None | None | Selects down one line. |
SelectionDuplicate | None | None | Duplicates the currently selected text within the document. |
SelectionCopyLinesDown | None | None | Copies the currently selected content on to the following line. |
SelectionCopyLinesUp | None | None | Copies the currently selected content on to the preceding line. |
SelectionModifyNumber | Delta as Integer | None | Modifies the currently selected number adding Delta. |
SelectionMoveLinesDown | None | None | Moves the selected text down one line. |
SelectionMoveLinesUp | None | None | Moves the selected text up one line. |
SelectionSplitLine | None | None | Splits the current line at the cursor position. |
SelectionToLowercase | None | None | Converts the current selection to lowercase. |
SelectionToUppercase | None | None | Converts the current selection to uppercase. |
SelectionTranspose | None | None | Reverses the order of the currently selected lines. |
SelectionTransposeLetter | None | None | Reverses the order of the currently selected characters in the document. |
SelectLine | None | None | Select entire current line. |
SelectPageUp | None | None | Selects the previous page of content. |
SelectPageDown | None | None | Selects the next page of document. |
SelectToStart | None | None | Selects all content from the current cursor position to the beginning of the document. |
SelectToEnd | None | None | Selects all content from the current cursor position to the end of the document. |
SelectUp | None | None | Selects up one line. |
SelectWord | None | None | Select word that the cursor currently resides in. |
SelectWordLeft | None | None | Select word to the immediate left of the cursor. |
SelectWordRight | None | None | Select word to the immediate right of the cursor. |
ShowFind | None | None | Shows the built-in find panel. |
ShowReplace | None | None | Shows the built-in replace panel. |
ShowGotoLine | PromptText as String = “Enter line number: ” | None | Shows the built-in “Go to Line” panel. |
ShowSettingsMenu DEBUG ONLY | None | None | Show a panel containing current control settings. Changes here are not reflected in the control’s properties. |
ShowShortcutsMenu | None | None | Shows a panel containing a list of the default keyboard shortcuts for the editor. |
ToHTML | includeCSS as Boolean = True | String | Exports the current content of the editor as styled HTML. |
Undo | None | None | Reverse a change. |
Unfold | None | None | Unfolds the currently selected block. |
UnfoldAll | None | None | Unfolds all folded blocks in the document. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
AutoComplete | Boolean | True | When True, the editor will show a popup with suggestions while typing. |
CanRedo | Boolean | False | If true, there are actions in the history which can be redone. |
CanUndo | Boolean | False | If true, there are actions in the history which can be undone. |
CurrentColumn | Integer(ReadOnly) | 0 | Current column of the cursor within the document. |
CurrentLine | Integer(ReadOnly) | 0 | Current line of the cursor within the document. |
FadeFoldWidgets | Boolean | True | When True, fold widgets will fade out when the block is not hovered. |
FileDropAllowed | Boolean | True | When True, users can drop files on the component in an attempt to load them into the editor. |
FileDropCaption | String | “Drop file to load” | Text displayed in the file drop capture interface. |
FileDropCaptionWorking | String | “Loading File…” | Text displayed in the file drop capture interface while a file is being read. |
FontFamily | String | “monospace” | Sets the editor to use the provided HTML-supported font family. |
FontSize | Integer | 12 | Size of the font used to display text in the viewport. |
IsDirty | Boolean | False | When True, the Xojo properties of the component may not yet reflect the true values. Wait for IsDirty = True before saving. |
ModeName | String | “” | When Mode = Custom, this will select the mode supplied via AddMode. |
Modes | Modes | Modes.ABAP | Current syntax mode, or language, of the control. |
PrintMarginColumn | Integer | 80 | Width of the print margin in pixels. |
SelLength | Integer | 0 | Length of current selection. |
SelStart | Integer | 0 | Starting point of current selection. |
SelText | String | “” | Currently selected text. |
ShowFoldWidget | Boolean | True | When True, disclosure triangles are drawn in the left gutter for blocks. |
ShowGutter | Boolean | True | Determines visibility of the line number and breakpoint gutter. |
ShowInvisible | Boolean | False | When True, invisible characters are made visible in the viewport. |
ShowLoaderOnEvents | Boolean | False | If true, the loading spinner will be shown to denote that the control is busy when communicating. |
ShowPrintMargin | Boolean | True | When True, the print margin is displayed on the right side. |
TabSize | Integer | 4 | Length, in characters, of an indent/outdent/tab. |
Text | String | “” | Text content of the editor. |
Theme | Themes | Themes.Ambiance | The visual style of the editor, including colors for syntax hightlighting. |
ThemeName | String | “” | Custom theme to apply. |
WordWrap | Boolean | False | When true long lines will wrap down the next line. |
Examples #
There are currently no examples for this class.