
Images #

About #

GraffitiWindowNotifier gives you the power to display notifications inside your application’s individual windows with smooth animations, easy interaction, and timed display.

Uses the popular GraffitiNote for display items, so instantiation is easy and notifications are flexible.

Enumerations #

Name Values
Positions TopLeft

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
NoteHidden note as GraffitiNote None Raised when a note’s hide animation has completed.
NotePressed note as GraffitiNote None Raised when the user has clicked a note.
NoteShown note as GraffitiNote None Raised when a note’s show animation has complete.

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
Add note as GraffitiNote None Adds and displays a new Note. Pass zero to visibleTime to keep a note visible until closed or any other value to have the note hide after that period, in milliseconds.
visibleTime as Integer
IndexOf note as GraffitiNote Integer Returns the position of the specified note within the internal array.
LastIndex None Integer
Note index as Integer GraffitiNote Returns the note at the specified index.
Remove note as GraffitiNote Removes the specified note by initiating its close process.
RemoveAll None None Removes all notes.
RemoveAt index as Integer Removes the note at the specified index by initiating its close process.
Resize None None Should be called the parent Window has been resized to reposition notes.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
AnimationTime Integer 500 Time, in milliseconds, that note operations are animated.
Easing GraffitiAnimator.Easings GraffitiAnimator.Easings.Linear Easing to apply to animations.
Margin Integer 10 Pixel distance around the outside edge of notes.
Position Positions Positions.TopLeft Location of notes.
ShowCountInDock Boolean True When True, the dock icon will be updated with a count badge on macOS.

Examples #

Instantiating and Displaying a Notification #

var note as new GraffitiNote
note.AllowFocus = True
note.Width = 275
note.Height = 35
note.Title = "Info"
note.Content = "Test Notification"
note.CloseButton = True
note.Type = GraffitiNote.NoteTypes.Information
note.Style = GraffitiNote.NoteStyles.NoBar
GraffitiWindowNotifier1.Add( note )

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.