
Images #

About #

GraffitiTabBar is a modern replacement for the TabPanel with several styles to choose from:

  • FlatDark
  • FlatLight
  • Rounded
  • Gradient
  • GradientRounded

The class also supports Top, Bottom, Left and Right positioning, as well as close buttons and icons on each tab, and automatically moves tabs to a MenuItem displayed using a chevron button when the interface isn’t wide enough to display all items.

Enumerations #

Name Values
Positions Top
Styles Dark

Constants #

Name Type Value
Position This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Description
ConstructContextualMenu( theTab as GraffitiTabBarItem, byRef base as MenuItem, X as Integer, Y as Integer ) Fired when the ContextMenu needs to be created.
ContextualMenuAction( theTab as GraffitiTabBarItem, hitItem as MenuItem ) Fired when the user selects an item from the ContextMenu.
TabChange( theTab as GraffitiTabBarItem ) as Boolean Fired when the user clicks a tab, return false to negate change.
TabEnter( theTab as GraffitiTabBarItem ) Fired when the mouse enters a tab.
TabExit( theTab as GraffitiTabBarItem ) Fired when the mouse exits a tab.
TabRemove( theTab as GraffitiTabBarItem ) as Boolean Fired when the user attempts to remove a tab via the close button, return false to negate the removal.

Methods #

Definition Description
AddTab( theTab as GraffitiTabBarItem ) Adds a tab to the display.
GetIndex( theTab as GraffitiTabBarItem ) as Integer Returns the index of the supplied item.
GetTab( theIndex as Integer ) as GraffitiTabBarItem Returns the item corresponding the supplied index.
GetTabByTag( theTag as Variant ) as GraffitiTabBarItem Returns the item whose tag is supplied by the theTag parameter.
GetTabByText( theText as String ) as GraffitiTabBarItem Returns the item whose text matches that supplied by the theText parameter.
InsertTab( theIndex as Integer, theTab as GraffitiTabBarItem ) Inserts the specified tab at the provided index.
RemoveAll() Removes all tabs from the instance.
RemoveTab( theIndex as Integer ) Removes the tab at the specified index from the instance.
SelectTab( theIndex as Integer ) Selects the tab at the specified index.
SelectTab( theTab as GraffitiTabBarItem ) Selects the specified tab.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
ActiveCloseColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the close icon of active tabs.
ActiveTabColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the background of active tabs.
ActiveTextColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the text of active tabs.
BackgroundColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the area of the bar not occupied by tabs.
ChevronColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the Chevron.
CustomColors Boolean False If True, custom colors supplied via properties will be used rather than the defaults according to Style.
DownTextColor Color &c000000 Color applied to text on MouseDown on a tab.
DragReorder Boolean False Allows the user to drag tags to change their order in the display.
HoverChevronColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the Chevron on hover.
HoverCloseColor Color &c000000 Color applied to tab close buttons on hover.
HoverTabColor Color &c000000 Color applied to tab backgrounds on hover.
HoverTextColor Color &c000000 Color applied to text on hover.
InactiveCloseColor Color &c000000 Color applied to close button when tab is unselected.
InactiveTabColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the tab background when tab is unselected.
InactiveTextColor Color &c000000 Color applied to tab text when tab is unselected.
MaximumTabWidth Integer 100 Maximum width of each tab. Will use ellipsis to collapse text beyond this width. Actual tab width will be MaximumTabWidth + icon width + close button width as applicable.
MinimumTabWidth Integer 10 Minimum width a tab can fill.
Position GraffitiWebTabBar.Positions Positions.Top The direction the bar is to be displayed.
Style GraffitiTabBar.Styles Styles.Dark The display style of the tabs.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.