
Images #

About #

This product is a really neat control to display thumbnails of images in your UI and allow users to select them.


  • Adding directories both single and recursively
  • Grid View
  • Horizontal View
  • Vertical View
  • Multiselect

Enumerations #

Name Values
Types Gird

Constants #

Name Type Value
This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
ItemClicked item as GraffitiThumbListItem None Fired when an item is clicked.
ItemContextClicked item as GraffitiThumbListItem None Fired when an item is right-clicked.
ItemMouseEnter item as GraffitiThumbListItem None Fired when the mouse cursor enters an item’s display area.
ItemMouseExit item as GraffitiThumbListItem None Fired when the mouse cursor exits an item’s display area.
SelectionChange SelectedItems() as GraffitiThumbListItem None Fired when the selected items within the control has changed due to user interaction.

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
Add item as GraffitiThumbListItem None Adds an item to the control.
AddAt index as Integer None Inserts an item at the given index.
item as GraffitiThumbListItem
AddDirectory f as FolderItem, recurse as Boolean = False None Adds the image contents of a directory to the Items array. To get pictures from only the top-level directory, omit recurse or set to False.
DeselectAll None None Deselects all currently selected items.
Item index as Integer GraffitiThumbItem Returns the item at the specified index.
LastIndex None Integer Return the index of the last item.
RemoveAll None None Removes all items.
RemoveAt index as Integer None Removes the item at atIndex.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
ImageSize Integer 24 Size applied to image. Width or Height determined by Type property value.
Multiselect Boolean False When True, users can toggle selection using subsequent clicks on items.
Type Types Types.Grid Determines how items are arranged in the display.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.