
Enumerations #

Name Values
This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

Name Type Value
This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
This class exposes no events.

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
Close None None Destroys the instance of the item and all supporting classes and references. Should be removed from any GraffitiTooltip instances before calling this function.
Constructor parent as DesktopUIControl None Creates a new instance of the class and prepares all supporting classes.
container as DesktopContainer
Constructor parent as DesktopUIControl None Created a new instance of the class and prepares all supporting classes.
Hide None None Hides the tooltip.
Show None None Shows the tooltip.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
BackgroundColor ColorGroup Nil Color applied to the background of the tooltip. If unspecified, the tooltip will use the system’s window background color.
Bold Boolean False Font weight applied to the tooltip text.
Container ReadOnly DesktopContainer Nil The container within the tooltip. If a DesktopContainer is supplied via the constructor, this is that value. If the String constructor is used, this value be the generated container for that content.
FontName String “System” Font face applied to the tooltip text.
FontSize Integer 0 Font size applied to the tooltip text.
HasBackgroundColor Boolean False When True, the value in the BackgroundColor property will be drawn to the tooltip’s background.
IsShown Boolean False When True, the tooltip is currently visible.
IsStatic Boolean False When True, the tooltip is intended to have child controls that can be interacted with such as Buttons or TextFields.
Italic Boolean False Emphasis applied to the tooltip text.
Tag Variant Nil Developer storage.
Text String “” Text to display in the tooltip when using the String Constructor method.
TextAlignment TextAlignments Horizontal positioning of the tooltip text.
TextColor ColorGroup Nil Color applied to the text of the tooltip. If unspecified, the tooltip will use the system’s window text color.
Underline Boolean False Text decoration applied to the tooltip text.

Examples #

Updating Tooltip Text #

var tooltip as GraffitiTooltipItem = tooltipController.Item( ListBox1 )
tooltip.Text = "New Value"

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.