Release 50

Release Information #

Release DateJune 22, 2023

Desktop Changes #

ADDED35GraffitiCalendarEvent now has a RepeatFrequencies enumeration: 0 = None, 1 = Yearly, 2 = Monthly, 3 = Weekly, 4 = Daily2023-05-26
ADDED37GraffitiFieldLabel has a new ClearIcon as Picture property for overriding the default.2023-05-29
ADDED37GraffitiFieldLabel has a new LabelTextAlignmentVertical as VerticalAlignments property.2023-05-30
ADDED37GraffitiFieldLabel has a new PositionControl( byRef position as Xojo.Rect ) event for altering the final position of the child control within the component.2023-05-29
ADDEDNoneGraffitiFieldLabel has a new Text property that functions only when the contained Field is a DesktopTextArea or DesktopTextField.2023-06-03
ADDED37GraffitiFieldLabel has a new VerticalAlignments enumeration: 0 = Middle, 1 = Top, 2 = Bottom.2023-05-30
ADDED37GraffitiFieldLabelContainer has a new ClearIcon as Picture property for overriding the default.2023-05-29
ADDED37GraffitiFieldLabelContainer has a new LabelTextAlignmentVertical as VerticalAlignments property.2023-05-30
ADDED37GraffitiFieldLabelContainer has a new PositionControl( byRef position as Xojo.Rect ) event for altering the final position of the child control within the component.2023-05-29
ADDED37GraffitiFieldLabelContainer has a new VerticalAlignments enumeration: 0 = Middle, 1 = Top, 2 = Bottom.2023-05-30
ADDEDNoneGraffitiMapViewer.HasThreeWordsOverlay as Boolean = False2023-05-02
ADDED8GraffitiMapViewer.HeatmapAt( index as Integer ) as GraffitiMap.Overlays.Heatmap2023-05-02
ADDEDNoneGraffitiMapViewer.PerformThreeWordsLookups as Boolean = False2023-05-02
ADDEDNoneGraffitiMapViewer.Position now updates the display when assigning a new GraffitiMap.Point class instance.2023-05-25
ADDEDNoneGraffitiMapViewer.PositionW3W as GraffitiW3W.MapPoint2023-05-02
ADDED8GraffitiMapViewer.RemoveHeatmap( heatmap as GraffitiMap.Overlays.Heatmap )2023-05-02
FIXED17858GraffitiAccordion redrawing no longer enters strange states on Windows.2023-03-06
FIXED35GraffitiCalendar once again properly displays repeating events when RepeatFrequency is not Daily.2023-05-25
FIXED35GraffitiCalendar now properly updates edited repeating events.2023-05-26
FIXED37GraffitiFieldLabel now does a better job of positioning child controls in more scenarios.2023-05-29
FIXED37GraffitiFieldLabel no longer carries over an inappropriately large or small padding from the clear button depending upon what type of control is embedded.2023-05-29
FIXED37GraffitiFieldLabelContainer now does a better job of positioning child controls in more scenarios.2023-05-29
FIXEDNoneGraffitiHTMLtoPDF: GraffitiPDFTemplate’s Margin* properties are now doubles.2023-04-21
FIXEDNoneGraffitiMapViewer.Marker.Visible alterations are now reflected on the display.2023-05-25
FIXED17874GraffitiRating once again raises the ValueChange event.2023-03-16
FIXED17897GraffitiSyntaxEditor.PrintDocument no longer gets cut off after the first page.2023-03-24
REMOVED35GraffitiCalendarEvent no longer has RepeatFrequency constants.2023-05-26
NOTENoneGraffitiAnimator demo no longer crashes when clicking the Bounce button.2023-04-17
NOTENoneGraffitiThumbList demo window resizing once again properly positions checkboxes.2023-04-17
NOTENoneGraffitiTreeView demo window resizing once again properly positions drag controls.2023-04-17
CHANGEDNoneGraffitiAnimator now only fires the next animation iteration when the current is complete.2023-06-17
CHANGED35GraffitiCalendarEvent.RepeatFrequency is now of type GraffitiCalendarEvent.RepeatFrequencies.2023-05-26
CHANGED35GraffitiFieldLabel will now catch exceptions when binding events to the Field, with an in-code explanation of what’s being done incorrectly, when users have bound an event handler to the contained field’s TextChanged or KeyDown events.2023-06-03
CHANGEDNoneGraffitiTooltip now draws Content value directly rather than embedding a DesktopLabel. There may differences in display.2023-05-20

Web Changes #

ADDEDNoneGraffitiGrid now has a Clear button in the search bar.2023-04-06
ADDED11GraffitiGrid’s SearchBar now has a Case Sensitive filter checkbox.2023-04-06
ADDED11GraffitiGrid has a new SearchCaseText as String property for changing the label of the Case Sensitive checkbox in the search bar.2023-04-06
ADDEDNoneGraffitiMapViewer.HasThreeWordsOverlay as Boolean = False2023-05-02
ADDED8GraffitiMapViewer.HeatmapAt( index as Integer ) as GraffitiMap.Overlays.Heatmap2023-04-05
ADDEDNoneGraffitiMapViewer.PerformThreeWordsLookups as Boolean = False2023-05-02
ADDEDNoneGraffitiMapViewer.Position now updates the display when assigning a new GraffitiMap.Point class instance.2023-05-25
ADDEDNoneGraffitiMapViewer.PositionW3W as GraffitiW3W.MapPoint2023-05-02
ADDED8GraffitiMapViewer.RemoveHeatmap( heatmap as GraffitiMap.Overlays.Heatmap )2023-04-05
ADDEDNoneGraffitiPopupMenu.Text as String property. Only applicable when MultipleSelect = False and AllowAdd = True.2023-05-08
ADDEDNoneGraffitiMapViewer.Marker.Visible alterations are now reflected on the display.2023-05-25
FIXED28GraffitiPopupMenu no longer requires calling DeselectAll before setting selection when MultipleSelection = False.2023-05-08
FIXEDNoneGraffitiSlideshow no longer appears to have a remaining item after calling RemoveAll.2023-04-11
FIXEDNoneGraffitiSlideshow no longer attempts to execute JavaScript to change slides when there are no slides added.2023-04-11
FIXED31GraffitiTextField once again registers itself and works as expected in the framework’s TabEngine.2023-05-10
CHANGED28GraffitiPopupMenu will now raise the SelectionChanged event when the selection is altered programmatically.2023-05-08
CHANGEDNoneGraffitiPopupMenu.FindItem renamed to ItemFromText to better match expectations.2023-05-08
CHANGEDNoneGraffitiPopupMenu.FindItemByTag renamed to ItemFromTag to better match expectations.2023-05-08
CHANGEDNoneGraffitiPopupMenu.GetItemIndex renamed to ItemIndex to better match expectations.2023-05-08
CHANGEDNoneGraffitiPopupMenu.Item method renamed to ItemAt to better match expectations.2023-05-08
CHANGEDNoneGraffitiPopupMenu.GetSelectedItems renamed to SelectedItems to better match expectations.2023-05-08
CHANGEDNoneGraffitiPopupMenu.GetSelectedItemsIndex renamed to SelectedItemsIndexes to better match expectations.2023-05-08
REMOVEDNoneGraffitiPopupMenu.SetItemSelect methods. Use the Selected property of items.2023-05-08
REMOVEDNoneGraffitiPopupMenu.SetItemState method. Use the Enabled property of items.2023-05-08
REMOVEDNoneGraffitiPopupMenu.SetText. method. Replaced with Text property.2023-05-08