
Preview #

About #

GraffitiStepBar allows developers to present a flow display and control mechanism to their users.

Enumerations #

This product exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This product exposes no constants.

Events #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
SelectionChangedNoneNoneRaised after the user has pressed a step and the change is drawn.
StepPresseditem as GraffitiStepBarItemBooleanRaised when the user has pressed a step. Return True to cancel the change.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
Additem as GraffitiStepBarItemNoneAdds a new step to the control.
AddAtindex as Integer
item as GraffitiStepBarItem
NoneAdds a new item to the control at the specified index.
IndexOfitem as GraffitiStepBarItemIntegerReturns the index of the specified item within the control’s internal array.
ItemAtindex as IntegerGraffitiStepBarItemReturns the item as the specified index within the control’s internal array.
LastIndexNoneIntegerReturns the index of the last item within the control’s internal array.
RemoveAllNoneNoneRemoves all items.
RemoveAtindex as IntegerNoneRemoves the item at the specified index.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
AllowNavigationBooleanFalseDetermines whether use presses are processed.
BackgroundColorActiveColorGroupNilCustomize the background color of items that are selected.
BackgroundColorInactiveColorGroupNilCustomize the background color of items that are not selected.
BorderColorColorGroupNilColor used to draw the border of the control.
BorderRadiusDouble0Radius of the control’s outside corners. Automatically corrects to (Max(Width, Height) / 2) – 1 is a value too large has been supplied.
BorderSizeDouble0Pen size used to draw the control’s border.
DescriptionColorActiveColorGroupNilColor applied to the DescriptionText of steps that are selected.
DescriptionColorInactiveColorGroupNilColor applied to the DescritpionText of steps that are not selected.
DescriptionTextFontString“System”Font face used to draw DescriptionText of steps.
DescriptionTextSizeInteger0Font size used to draw DescriptionText of steps.
DescriptionTextStyleGraffitiControlCanvas.FontStylesFontStyles.NoneStyle of font used (regular, bold, italic).
HasBorderBooleanTrueDetermines whether a border is drawn around the outsize of the control.
ItemsHaveShadowBooleanTrueDetermines whether a shadow is drawn to the right of items to better differentiate steps.
PointWidthInteger20Width of the point at the right edge of steps.
SelectedItemInteger-1Index of the currently selected item.
TitleColorActiveColorGroupNilColor applied to the TitleText of steps when they are selected.
TitleColorInactiveColorGroupNilColor applied to the TitleText of steps when they are not selected.
TitleTextFontString“System”Font face used to draw the TitleText of steps.
TitleTextSizeInteger0Font size used to draw the TitleText of steps.
TitleTextStyleGraffitiControlCanvas.FontStylesFontStyles.NoneStyle of font used (regular, bold, italic).