
Enumerations #

 This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

  This class exposes no constants.

Events #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
HeaderCollapsedCollapsedItem as GraffitiWebAccordionItemNoneThis event is fired when an accordion section is collapsed.
HeaderContextPresseditem as GraffitiAccordionItem
position as Xojo.Point
NoneRaised the user has context pressed an header. position parameter is relative to page.
HeaderExpandedExpandedItem as GraffitiWebAccordionItemNoneThis event is fired when an accordion section is expanded.
HeightChangedNoneRaised when the height of the component has changed due to a change in its displayed content and AutoHeight = True.

Methods #

AddItem( newItem as GraffitiWebAccordionItem )Adds a new accordion section to the control and updates the display.
FindItem( ItemText as String ) as GraffitiWebAccordionItemSearches through the array of child items looking for a caption of ItemText.
FindItemIndex( itemText as String ) as GraffitiWebAccordionItem
RemoveItem( ItemIndex as Integer )Removes the item at the specified index and updates the display.
RemoveItem( ItemText as String )Searches through the array of child items to remove the section with the matching caption and updates the display.
Update()Updates the display. Must be used if you manually change any properties of the GraffitiWebAccordionItems.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
AutoHeightBooleanFalseWhen True, the control will automatically change height depending on what content is currently displayed.
CollapsedIconString“fa-plus-square”A FontAwesome icon string for the icon used when items are collapsed.
ExpandedIconString“fa-minus-square”A FontAwesome icon string for the icon used when items are expanded.
StyleHeaderActiveWebStyleNilWebStyle to apply to active header elements.
StyleHeaderInactiveWebStyleNilWebStyle to apply to inactive header elements.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.