
Subclass of GraffitiControlGroupItem

Enumerations #


Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
Constructortext as StringNoneCreates a new instance of the class.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
AutocapitalizeBooleanFalseDetermines whether the value should be automatically capitalized by the user’s browser.
AutocorrectBooleanTrueDetermines whether the user’s browser should employ autocorrect.
IndicatorWebSDKUIControl.IndicatorsDefaultIndicator applied to the control.
LabelString“”Text displayed as a label for the control.
LengthControlsStateBooleanFalseWhen True, MaxLength and MinLength will be used to validate the control’s content.
MaxLengthInteger0Maximum text length allowed.
MinLengthInteger0Minimum text length allowed.
PlaceholderString“”Text displayed within the component when there is no content.
ReadOnlyBooleanFalseDetermines whether the user can modify the control’s content.
RequiredBooleanFalseDetermines whether the control is required to have a value.
SpellcheckBooleanTrueControls whether the user’s browser will employ the spellchecking engine on the control’s content.
StateStatesUnvalidatedDetermines the visual state of the control.
TextString“”Content of the control.
WrapModeWrapModesSoftBreakDetermines how the value is wrapped by the user’s browser.

Notes #

WrapModes #

WrapModes control how the user’s browser modifies the content to display and return long values, with the following effects:

  • SoftBreak
    Wraps the content visually without modifying it.
  • HardBreak
    Wraps the content by inserting EndOfLines.
  • Off
    Does not wrap content.