
Enumerations #

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

This class does not expose any events.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
ConstructorrowCells as Dictionary
isEnabled as Boolean = True
rowTag as Variant = nil
NoneCreates an instance of this class with the parameters as property values.
Addrow as GraffitiGridRowNoneAdds the specified row as a child.
AddAtindex as Integer
row as GraffitiGridRow
NoneAdds the specified row as a child at the provided index.
CellColumn as GraffitiWebGridColumnVariantReturns the row’s value for the defined column.
CellColumn as GraffitiWebGridColumn
Assigns Value as Variant
NoneSets row’s value for the defined column. Should be used as myRow.Cell( myColumn ) = newValue
CloneNoneGraffitiGridRowCreates a copy of the current row. Data objects will still be referenced, not cloned.
IndexOfrow as GraffitiGridRowIntegerReturns the index of the item in the child rows.
ItemAtindex as IntegerGraffitiGridRowReturns the child item at the specified index.
LastIndexNoneIntegerIndex of the last item in among the child rows.
Removerow as GraffitiGridRowNoneRemoves the specified row from the child rows.
RemoveAllNoneNoneRemoves all child rows.
RemoveAtindex as IntegerNoneRemove the child row at the specified index.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
Cells Read-OnlyDictionaryEmpty DictionaryThe columns values contained within the row. This exposed to make enumeration for things like output more accessible.
Children Read-OnlyArray of GraffitiWebGridRowEmpty ArrayContains the children of this row in the display. Children should be added and removed via the AddChild and RemoveChild methods of the Grid.
ColSpanFieldGraffitiWebGridColumnNilThe column to apply the span to. Only one ColSpan per row is supported.
ColSpanLengthInteger1The number of columns to span with the value specified in ColSpanField.
DatabaseRecordDatabaseRowNilThe DatabaseRow from which this row was populated. Only assigned when using GraffitiGrid.AddRowSet.
DatabaseRowSetRowSetNilThe RowSet from which the row was loaded. Only assigned when using GraffitiGrid.AddRowSet.
DatabaseRowSetIDFieldString“”Table column to use as the unique index.
DatabaseRowSetIDValueInteger0Value of unique index.
EnabledBooleanTrueDetermines whether this row’s cells will be editable when AutoEdit = True
ExpandableBooleanFalseDetermines whether this row can act as a parent for other rows.
ExpandedBooleanFalseDetermines the expansion state of this child in Tree mode.
ID Read-OnlyString“”This is automatically generated by the Grid and should never be altered.
IndentInteger0This is automatically generated by the Grid and should never be altered.
Parent Read-OnlyGraffitiWebGridRowNilThe parent of this row. This is automatically generated by the Grid and should never be altered.
ProgressIndicatorWebUIControl.IndicatorsDefaultBootstrap indicator applied to the FormatTypes.Progress value.
SelectedBooleanFalseTrue when the row is selected, False when not. Setting this value directly will update the Grid’s selection.
StyleWebStyleNilStyle applied to cells in this row. Overrides everything except for style specified by AddCellStyle.
TagVariantNilUse for storing things like your database field key. This value has no functional application beyond being used for your reference.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.