
Enumerations #

Name Values

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
Constructor None None Creates a new instance.
Update None None Call this method to force an update of this shape’s data. Useful when you have modified the path() properties of Polygon and Polyline.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
Draggable Boolean False When True, the shape may be moved on the map’s surface by the user.
Editable Boolean False When True, the shape may have its points edited on the map’s surface by the user.
Geodesic Boolean True When True, the shape will be drawn across the map boundaries.
StrokeColor Color &c000000 Color to apply to the outside edge of the shape.
StrokeWeight Integer -1 Weight of the stroke line on the shape.
Tag Variant Nil Developer storage.
Tooltip String “” Text to display within a popup when the user’s mouse is over the shape.
Visible Boolean True Determines whether the shape is visible on the map.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class is the superclass of all other shape objects and should not be used directly.