
Enumerations #

Name Values
Alignments Left

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Description
ButtonPressed None Raised when the user clicks the card’s button.

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description

This class exposes no methods.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
Alignment Alignments Alignments.Left Default text alignment.
Body String “” Content to display in the card’s body.
BodyTextStyle WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap indicator to apply to body text.
ButtonCaption String “” Caption of button element.
ButtonStyle WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap indicator to apply to button.
CardStyle WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap indicator to apply to the card’s background.
Footer String “” Content to display in the card’s footer area.
FooterBGStyle WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap indicator to apply the footer area’s background.
FooterTextStyle WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap indicator to apply to content in the footer area.
HasImage Boolean False When True, and a valid object is supplied to the Image property, an image will displayed on the card just below the header.
Header String “” Content to display in the card’s header area.
HeaderBGStyle WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap indicator to apply to the header’s background.
HeaderTextStyle WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap indicator to apply to the header’s content.
Image Variant Nil Image object to be displayed in the card’s image area. Valid types are: String(URL), WebPicture, WebFile, and FolderItem.
Subtitle String “” Content to display in the subtitle area.
SubtitleTextStyle WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap indicator applied to the subtitle content.
Title String “” Content to display in the title area.
TitleTextStyle WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap indicator applied to the title content.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.