
Enumerations #

Name Values

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
SelectionChanged None None Raised when the user selects a new step by clicking or tapping.

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
Add item as GraffitiStepBarItem None Adds the specified item to the end of the StepBar.
AddAt index as Integer None Adds the specified item at the provided index.
item as GraffitiStepBarItem
Item index as Integer GraffitiStepBarItem Returns the item at the specified index.
LastIndex None Integer Returns the last item’s index.
RemoveItem index as Integer None Removes the item at the specified index.
RemoveItem item as GraffitiStepBarItem None Removes the specified item.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
AllowSelection Boolean False When True the user can click steps to change the currently selected item.
IsVertical Boolean False Set to True to display steps vertically (top-to-bottom).
SelectedIndex Integer -1 Currently selected item index.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.