
Enumerations #

Name Values
This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

Name Type Value
This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
KeyPress KeyCode as Integer None Fires when a key or key combination is pressed on the keyboard while the Wall has focus.
AltKey as Boolean
CtrlKey as Boolean
ShiftKey as Boolean
Resized width as Integer None Raised when the control has been resized. Especially useful for moving other controls when AutoHeight = True.
height as Integer
ScrollBottom None None Fires when the user has scrolled all the way to the bottom of the available height. Typically used to lazy load more panels.

Methods #

Definition Description
AddPanel( thePanel as GraffitiWebWallPanel ) Adds a panel to the wall.
GetIndex( thePanel as GraffitiWebWallPanel ) as Integer Returns the index of the panel.
GetPanel( panelIndex as Integer ) as GraffitiWebWallPanel Returns the panel at the panelIndex position of the panels array.
InsertPanel( AtIndex as Integer, thePanel as GraffitiWebWallPanel ) Inserts a panel at the given index.
PanelCount() as Integer The number of panels currently displayed.
RemoveAll() Remove all panels.
RemovePanel( panelIndex as Integer ) Removes the panel at panelIndex in the panels array from the display.
RemovePanel( thePanel as GraffitiWebWallPanel ) Removes the specified panel.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
AnimationTime Integer 500 Time in milliseconds that animations are allotted.
AutoHeight Boolean False When True, the wall will size itself to fit all panels and raise the Resized event with the updated dimensions. The height of the control should not be modified by using the Height property.
GutterHeight Integer 10 The height of the bottom margins of each panel.
GutterWidth Integer 10 The width of the left/right gutter between the items.
LockUpdate Boolean False Block the display from updating, when true. Update display when set to false.
Panels() GraffitiWebWallPanel Nil The current array of panels. Editing this manually will not cause updates to the display. Please use the built-in methods.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.