Release 32

Release Information #

Platform Version Release Date
All Final July 11, 2020

Desktop #

Type Change
ADD GraffitiColorPicker has a new RealTime as Boolean = True property. When True, values will be immediately sent to the selector and the Cancel button will not be visible.
ADD GraffitiProgress has a new MaximumValue as Integer = 100 for the maximum possible value. (14250)
ADD GraffitiProgress has a new MinimumValue as Integer = 100 for the minimum possible value. (14250)
ADD GraffitiRibbon now has a HasBorder as Boolean = True property. When False, the border around the control will not be drawn when its Top is greater than 0.
ADD GraffitiRibbon now exposes a BackgroundColor as Color property that is used when CustomColors = True
ADD GraffitiTabBarItem has a new IconSize as Integer = 16 property for determing the scale of th tab’s icon when drawn. (14362)
FIXED GraffitiDateTimePicker.SetTime now properly updates the value when there is no date selection. (14204)
FIXED GraffitiDateTimePicker now invalidates when setting value under more circumstances. (14204)
FIXED GraffitiDesktopControl-based components should no longer encounter a StackOverflowException when UseXHR = True in extremely rare cases. (14321)
FIXED GraffitiFieldLabel now properly positions PopupMenus and ComboBoxes for best results.
FIXED GraffitiHTMLEditor and GraffitiHTMLExporter received several changes for speed improvements, thanks to Paul Levine. (14318)
FIXED GraffitiHTMLEditor’s KeyPress event now fires on non-printable key presses as well (Delete, Backspace, etc). (14244)
FIXED GraffitiListbox now has a TabStop as Boolean = True property. (14199)
FIXED GraffitiProgress should no longer encounter an OutOfBoundsException when drawing some styles with a low value. (14313)
FIXED GraffitiRibbon no longer encounters a NilObjectException when StaticButton = Nil. (14364)
FIXED GraffitiTabBar’s Chevron no longer draws too large on HiDPI displays.
CHANGED GraffitiColorPicker’s System Colors list now displays names with a space between words.

Web #

Type Change
ADD GraffitiWebCalendar has a new EventsAtDate(theDate as Date) as GraffitiWebCalendarEvent() function for returning all events, including recurring, that fall on the specified date.
ADD GraffitiWebContextMenu can now be bound to GraffitiWebToolbarButtons: AddMenu(ToolbarItem as GraffitiWebToolbarButton, MenuID as String, theMenu as GraffitiWebContextMenuItem, Trigger as Integer, AutoHide as Boolean = False, Position as REALbasic.Point = nil) (14219)
ADD GraffitiWebDatepickerSingle has a new StylePicker as WebStyle property for adding a WebStyle to the picker when shown. (14284)
ADD GraffitiWebDatepickerSingle has a new StylePickerDayHover as WebStyle property for adding a WebStyle to hovered days when the picker when shown. (14284)
ADD GraffitiWebDatepickerSingle has a new StylePickerToday as WebStyle property for adding a WebStyle to the Today button and current date when the picker when shown. (14284)
ADD GraffitiWebPopupMenu has a new LocaleNewMatches as String = “No Matches Found” property. (14038)
ADD GraffitiWebPopupMenuItem has a new IconTypes enumeration.
ADD GraffitiWebPopupMenuItem has a new IconType as IconTypes property.
ADD GraffitiWebRadioButton now contains the same Icon* and StyleIcon* properties as GraffitiWebCheckbox. (14300)
ADD GraffitiWebTextField has a new MaxValue as Integer = -1 property for when Type = Number. (14226)
ADD GraffitiWebTextField has a new MinValue As Integer = -1 property for when Type = Number. (14226)
ADD GraffitiWebTextField has a new LabelVisible as Boolean = True property for controlling the visibility of the label portion of the control. (14230)
ADD GraffitiWebTextField has a new LabelPosition as Positions property for setting the label to either the left or right of the input field. (14275)
ADD GraffitiWebTextField has a new Mask as String property for masking the field. See GraffitiWebFieldMask for value format.
ADD GraffitiWebTextField has a new MaskValid as Boolean = False property for determining validity against the Mask property.
ADD GraffitiWebTextField has a new MaskComplete event that fires when the masked value has been completed by the user.
ADD GraffitiWebToolbar has a new AutoDisableMode as DisableModes property for determining the extent of disabled controls on button click. (14318)
FIXED GraffitiWebCalendar will no longer show an undesired set of View buttons when no ViewButtons are supplied.
FIXED GraffitiWebContextMenu now properly hides menus when the AutoHide parameter is True and the mouse leaves the menu or attached element. (14219)
FIXED GraffitiWebFieldMask will now properly fire the MaskComplete event on every key entry after the optional mask character[?]. (14225)
FIXED GraffitiWebPopupMenu now properly displays the LocaleTooShort value. (14038)
FIXED GraffitiWebSidebar now applies the box-sizing: border-box property to the content area to avoid an issue with scrollbars appearing when they shouldn’t. (14266)
FIXED GraffitiWebTimeline no longer throws Javascript exceptions when changing some child object values after init. (14255)
FIXED GraffitiWebToolbar’s Enabled property now acts upon all child buttons rather than the parent element to properly show disabled states. (14318)
CHANGED GraffitiWebContextMenu’s API has been largely reworked to be more object-friendly. Significant project modifications may be required.
CHANGED GraffitiWebDatePickerSingle will now fire both TextChange and ValueChange regardless of the ForceParse property’s value. (14343)
NOTE GraffitiWebPopupMenu now supports URL icons for items by using the IconType property of the item.