Release 48

View Categories

Release Information #

Platform Version Release Date
Desktop R48 September 5, 2022
Web R48 September 5, 2022
Target New Added Fixed Changed Removed
Desktop 2 23 10 2 0
Web 5 14 14 5 0

Desktop #

Type Ticket Change Date
NEW None GraffitiBadge 2022-08-22
NEW None GraffitiTooltip 2022-08-11
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBar has a new BackgroundColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBar has a new BorderColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBar has a new MenuButtonForegroundColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBar has a new MenuButtonForegroundHoverColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBar has a new MenuButtonIndicatorColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBar has a new MenuButtonTickColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBar has a new OverflowBackgroundColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBar has a new OverflowBackgroundHoverColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBar has a new OverflowForegroundColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBar has a new OverflowForegroundHoverColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBar has a new UseCustomColors as Boolean = False property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBarButton has a new ForegroundColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBarButton has a new ForegroundActiveColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBarButton has a new ForegroundHoverColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBarButton has a new IndicatorActiveColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBarButton has a new IndicatorColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBarButton has a new TickColor as Color property. 2022-08-09
ADDED 17105 GraffitiCommandBarButton has a new UseCustomColors as Boolean = False property. 2022-08-09
ADDED None GraffitiStatusBar now has an ItemDoublePressed( item as GraffitiStatusBarItem ) event. 2022-08-09
ADDED None GraffitiStatusBar now has an ItemMouseEnter( item as GraffitiStatusBarItem ) event. 2022-08-09
ADDED None GraffitiStatusBar now has an ItemMouseExit( item as GraffitiStatusBarItem ) event. 2022-08-09
ADDED None GraffitiStatusBar now has a LastIndex as Integer function. 2022-08-23
ADDED None GraffitiCommandBar will no longer attempt to display empty tooltips. 2022-08-09
FIXED None GraffitiGrid now moves columns appropriately using the current mouse position when dragging. 2022-08-29
FIXED None GraffitiPagination should no longer encounter an OutOfBoundsException when drawing very few pages. 2022-08-16
FIXED None GraffitiPagination should no longer move the next button toward the right when there aren’t enough pages to fill the bar to match VisiblePages. 2022-08-16
FIXED 17279 GraffitiRibbon now supports adding GraffitiRibbonContainers to GraffitiRibbonColumns. 2022-08-15
FIXED None GraffitiRibbon has been updated to use Xojo.Rect instead of REALbasic.Rect. 2022-08-15
FIXED None GraffitiSlider now positions the tooltip centered relative to the control based on orientation when ShowValueInTooltip = True. 2022-08-19
FIXED None GraffitiStatusBar now exposes the MouseEnter event. 2022-08-09
FIXED None GraffitiStatusBar now exposes the MouseExit event. 2022-08-09
FIXED None GraffitiStatusBar now properly redraws upon display scaling factor changes. 2022-08-09
FIXED 17211 GraffitiStatusBar once again properly tracks mouse position on items. 2022-08-08
CHANGED None GraffitiStatusBar’s ItemClick event has been renamed to ItemPressed for consistency. 2022-08-09
CHANGED None GraffitiStatusBar no longer exposes some events that were inconsistent with its usage. 2022-08-09

Web #

Type Ticket Change Date
NEW None GraffitiBadge 2022-08-22
NEW None GraffitiEditorFormat 2022-08-01
NEW None GraffitiEditorSelection 2022-08-01
NEW None GraffitiEditorSelectionRange 2022-08-01
NEW None GraffitiListGroup 2022-08-22
ADDED None GraffitiEditor has a new SelectionChanged event that will be raised when 500ms has passed after a last selection change without a subsequent selection change. 2022-08-01
ADDED 17192 GraffitiDateTimePickerSingle has a new Mask as String property. 2022-08-10
ADDED 17192 GraffitiDateTimePickerSingle has a new ValueInvalid( text as String ) event. 2022-08-10
ADDED None GraffitiDateTimePickerSingle has a new read-only ViewValue as DateTime property for determining the current view span of the control’s popup. 2022-08-14
ADDED 17307 GraffitiDateTimePickerSingle has a new IconButton as String = “fas fa-calendar-alt” property for controlling the content of the popup button. 2022-08-18
ADDED None GraffitiDateTimePickerMultiple has a new read-only ViewValue as DateTime property for determining the current view span of the control’s popup. 2022-08-14
ADDED 17307 GraffitiDateTimePickerMultiple has a new IconButton as String = “fas fa-calendar-alt” property for controlling the content of the popup button. 2022-08-18
ADDED 16677 GraffitiDateTimePickerRange has a new read-only ViewStartValue as DateTime property for determining the current view span of the start control’s popup. 2022-08-14
ADDED 16677 GraffitiDateTimePickerRange has a new read-only ViewEndValue as DateTime property for determining the current view span of the end control’s popup. 2022-08-14
ADDED None GraffitiDateTimePickerRange has a new ValueInvalid( field as Fields, text as String ) event. 2022-08-15
ADDED 17324 GraffitiGrid has a new FormatTypes.NativeCheckbox. Values can be altered by a single user click when Editable = True. 2022-08-23
ADDED 17324 GraffitiGrid has a new EditTypes.NativeCheckbox. 2022-08-23
ADDED 17235 GraffitiTree has a new ItemContextClicked( item as GraffitiTreeItem, x as Integer, y as Integer ) event. If this event is not implemented and ContextClick is, ContextClick will fire. 2022-08-11
ADDED 17235 GraffitiTree will now select nodes that were right-clicked before raising either of the ContextClick events. 2022-08-11
FIXED 17239 GraffitiAccordion’s individual sections no longer have a z-index value, which now allows for layering. 2022-08-11
FIXED 17261 GraffitiDateTimePickerRange no longer enters a state where it can return Nil values despite values having been set. 2022-08-15
FIXED 17313 GraffitiDateTimePickerRange no longer erroneously sets a Maximum on the end picker when updated the maximum for the start picker. 2022-08-20
FIXED None GraffitiEditor has received more Xojo 2022R2 fixes. 2022-08-01
FIXED 17178 GraffitiEditor can now be subclassed. 2022-08-01
FIXED None GraffitiEditor.Insert* methods can no longer enter a state where they erroneously add the elements to nodes outside the editor that previously had focus. 2022-08-01
FIXED None GraffitiEditor folder renamed to gsEditor to work around a bug in Xojo’s Copy/Paste. 2022-08-01
FIXED None GraffitiGrid should no longer encounter an exception when calling GraffitiGridRow.CellStyle setter after initialization. 2022-08-02
FIXED None GraffitiGrid should once again fire SelectionChanged only once when setting an items Selected property. 2022-08-25
FIXED 17329 GraffitiGrid now allows for updating selected rows during initialization when using AddRowSet. 2022-08-25
FIXED None GraffitiPopupMenu should now properly display icons vertically centered. 2022-08-31
FIXED None GraffitiStyle no longer creates oddly named CSS elements due to attempting to include the State in the ID attribute even when State = States.Default. 2022-08-08
FIXED None GraffitiTree’s ContextClick event no longer has a parameter for the item right-clicked and only fires when the user has right-clicked outside of all nodes. 2022-08-11
FIXED None GraffitiWall resizing has been optimized and users should see a noticeable difference in rendering speed. 2022-09-01
CHANGED None GraffitiDateTimePickerSingle implements a separate pathway for view change notifications that does not necessarily occur when changing the value in the browser. 2022-08-14
CHANGED None GraffitiDateTimePickerMultiple implements a separate pathway for view change notifications that does not necessarily occur when changing the value in the browser. 2022-08-14
CHANGED None GraffitiDateTimePickerRange implements a separate pathway for view change notifications that does not necessarily occur when changing the value in the browser. 2022-08-14
CHANGED None GraffitiStyle names can now contain dashes or other special characters. 2022-08-31
CHANGED None GraffitiWall will now throw an UnsupportedOperationException when trying to add panels containing WebContainers that have not been embedded on a page. 2022-09-01
NOTE None GraffitiEditor now explicitly sets focus to the editor when calling selection-related methods, including inserts. 2022-08-01
NOTE None GraffitiEditor bumped to SunEditor version 2.43.14. 2022-08-16