Release 56

Release Information #

Recommended Xojo Version: 2024 Release 1

PlatformNewAddedFixedChangedRemovedRelease Date
Desktop2192143July 15, 2024
Mobile for iOS11300July 15, 2024
Web0172740July 15, 2024

Desktop Changes #

TypeTicket NumberDescriptionDate
NewNoneGraffitiFontAwesomeJul 7, 2024
NewNoneGraffitiSVGJul 7, 2024
Added391GraffitiCalendar has a new ShowAllDaySlot as Boolean = True property.May 3, 2024
Added392GraffitiCalendar has a new ScrollTo( eventObject as GraffitiCalendarEvent ) method.May 3, 2024
Added392GraffitiCalendar has a new ScrollTo( time as DateTime ) method.May 3, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiCalendar has a new EventAt( index as Integer ) as GraffitiCalendarEvent method.May 3, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiCalendar has a new LastIndex() as Integer function.May 3, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiCalendar has a new RemoveEventAt( index as Integer ) method.May 3, 2024
Added393GraffitiCalendar will now show tooltips containing the description of the event on hover.May 3, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiDropzone now supports multiple distinct embedded text links.Apr 23, 2024
Added419′GraffitiEditor has a new HideHelpers method to hide toolbar menus and element controllers (such as the image editor).May 29, 2024
Added405GraffitiEditorFormat has a new ListTypes enumeration: 0 = None, 1 = Ordered, 2 = Unordered.May 16, 2024
Added405GraffitiEditorFormat has a new ListType as ListTypes computed property.May 16, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiGradientSelector has a new FromBrush( brush as GraphicsBrush ) method for parsing a Linear/RadialGraphicsBrush.Jun 20, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiGradientSelector has a new ToBrush( includeScaleValues as Boolean = True ) as GraphicsBrush function for returning a Linear/RadialGraphicsBrush representing the current values.Jun 20, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiGradientSelector has a new Styles enumeration: 0 = Linear, 1 = Radial.Jun 20, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiOptionBox has a new AllowKeyboardNavigation property that, when True, will allow navigation within the group by use of the arrow keys when a member has focus.Jun 24, 2024
Added441GraffitiRadalProgress has a new ValueCaption as String property.Jun 26, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiRadialProgress has a new Styles enumeration: Graphite, Simple, EarthTonesGround, EarthTonesSky, Chrome, HighTech, Ring, SegmentedRing, DarkGlowJul 15, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiTimeline has new Format properties for Major and Minor labels.Jul 5, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiTimeline.TimeScales enumeration has a new value: Milliseconds.Jul 5, 2024
Fixed377GraffitiCalendar no longer applies incorrect start and end dates to events when dragging them within the calendar.Apr 18, 2024
Fixed395GraffitiCalendarEvent no longer exposes the ID property.May 3, 2024
Fixed389GraffitiCalendar.Enabled now properly enables or disables mouse interaction.May 3, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiCalendar once again respects the RestrictEventDisplay property.May 3, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiColors.SystemAware.IsDarkMode has a new systemValue as Boolean = False parameter. When False, the value returned will match the application-level setting.May 10, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiColors.macOS.IsDarkMode has a new systemValue as Boolean = False parameter. When False, the value returned will match the application-level setting.May 10, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiColors.Windows.IsDarkMode has a new systemValue as Boolean = False parameter. When False, the value returned will match the application-level setting.May 10, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiCalendar.FindEvent methods are no longer exposed.May 3, 2024
Fixed382GraffitiDropzone once again properly draws links.Apr 23, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiEditor toolbar can no longer appear behind resize/selection rectangles.May 30, 2024
Fixed418GraffitiEditor no longer loses Padding value when set in Opening and on resize.May 29, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiEditor.Insert now properly handles content to insert when the first element is a table or other complex node type.May 29, 2024
Fixed420GraffitiEditor once again properly positions audio, image, table, and video popup editors.May 30, 2024
Fixed419GraffitiEditor will now hide toolbar menus and element controllers when focus is lost, content changes, or selection changes.May 29, 2024
Fixed421GraffitiEditorSelection.Get is now more reliable and should no longer return negative lengths under some circumstances.May 30, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiOptionBox should no longer lose transparency on Windows.Jun 23, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiOptionBox value grouping should be more reliable.Jun 23, 2024
Fixed447GraffitiRating now horizontally centers icons within their respective areas.Jul 5, 2024
Fixed412GraffitiSlider once again properly positions the tooltip relative to the control under all circumstances.May 23, 2024
Fixed412GraffitiSlider tooltip reworked to address some visibility and placement issues.May 23, 2024
Fixed445GraffitiSyntaxEditor has improved focus handling.Jul 3, 2024
ChangedNoneGraffitiGradientSelector now uses the new Styles enumeration for determining whether the value is drawn is Linear or Radial.Jun 20, 2024
ChangedNoneGraffitiGradientSelector.Styles is now of type GraffitiGradientSelector.Styles.Jun 20, 2024
ChangedNoneGraffitiTimeline updated to use DateTime.Jul 4, 2024
ChangedNoneGraffitiTimeline now uses Unix epoch time internally in an attempt to provide greater resolution.Jul 4, 2024
Removed389GraffitiCalendar.Editable: Use individual event CanMove and CanResize properties.May 3, 2024
RemovedNoneGraffitiRadialProgress.TextAsPercentage property.Jun 26, 2024
RemovedNoneGraffitiRadialProgress Style constants.Jul 15, 2024
NoteNoneGraffitiEditor updated to SunEditor v2.46.3.May 30, 2024

Mobile Changes #

TypeTicket NumberDescriptionDate
NewNoneGraffitiRadialProgressJun 26, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiPopupMenu has a new PerformSearch( searchText as String ) as GraffitiPopupMenuSections() event for displaying on-the-fly search results.Jul 11, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiGrid now properly redraws edited cells when double-pressing the Grid while editing is active.Jun 28, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiGrid now considers double-press to be a cancel action when editing.Jun 28, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiPopupMenu’s Clear button once again dismisses the popup view.Jul 11, 2024

Web Changes #

TypeTicket NumberDescriptionDate
Added457GraffitiButtonSegmentItem has a new Style as GraffitiStyle property.Jul 12, 2024
Added457GraffitiButtonSegmentItem has a new StyleSelected as GraffitiStyle property.Jul 12, 2024
Added439GraffitiCalendar has a new DayStyle( day as DateTime ) as GraffitiStyle function for returning the style set to a specific day.Jun 26, 2024
Added439GraffitiCalendar has a new DayStyle( day as DateTime, assigns style as GraffitiStyle ) method for setting a style to the background of a specific day.Jun 26, 2024
Added425GraffitiGrid.Formatters.DateTimeJun 3, 2024
Added425GraffitiGrid.Editors.DateTimeJun 3, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiGridRow.Invalidate method.Jul 14, 2024
Added425GraffitiGridColumn.DateTimeEditorLocale as DateTimeEditorLocales propertyJun 3, 2024
Added425GraffitiGridColumn.DateTimeEditorLocales enumeration: 0 = EN, 1 = DE, 2 = NL, 3 = RO, 4 = RU, 5 = ES, 6 = ITJun 3, 2024
Added422GraffitiLikertQuestion has a new Tag as Variant property.May 30, 2024
Added397GraffitiMap.Directions.Route now has a DistanceText as String property.May 8, 2024
Added397GraffitiMap.Directions.Route now has a DistanceValue as Integer property.May 8, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiStepBar.Add( ParamArray itemContents as String)Jun 9, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiStepBar.Remove( item as GraffitiStepBarItem )Jun 9, 2024
AddedNoneGraffitiStepBar.RemoveAt( index as Integer )Jun 9, 2024
Added440GraffitiToolbar has a new Directions enumeration. 0 = Horizontal, 1 = VerticalJul 8, 2024
Added440GraffitiToolbar has a new Direction as Directions property.Jul 8, 2024
Fixed459GraffitiAlert will now close ContentContainer values when the containing message has been closed, raising the Closed event of the container instance.Jul 13, 2024
Fixed408GraffitiBadge once again applies BaseStyle property.May 18, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiButtonSegment further updated for Bootstrap 5.Jul 12, 2024
Fixed404GraffitiDateTimePickerMultiple’s popup should once again appear above modals of all type.May 16, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiDateTimePickerMultiple updated to address JavaScript deprecation warnings.May 18, 2024
Fixed404GraffitiDateTimePickerRange’s popup should once again appear above modals of all type.May 16, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiDateTimePickerRange updated to address JavaScript deprecation warnings.May 18, 2024
Fixed404GraffitiDateTimePickerSingle’s popup should once again appear above modals of all type.May 16, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiDateTimePickerSingle updated to address JavaScript deprecation warnings.May 18, 2024
Fixed444GraffitiEditor should no longer throw a JavaScript exception related to ResizeObservers when loading.Jul 1, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiFavIcon no longer breaks combined resources.May 18, 2024
Fixed379GraffitiGrid columns using the UpDown editor should no longer cause an exception when a user commits a new value = 0.Apr 19, 2024
Fixed379GraffitiGrid columns using the Integer editor should no longer cause an exception when a user commits a new value = 0.Apr 19, 2024
Fixed384GraffitiGrid now reports the proper selected rows when a search is active.Apr 24, 2024
Fixed386GraffitiGrid cells no longer bleed through when controls are layered on top of Grid instances.Apr 28, 2024
Fixed388GraffitiGrid.SortBy once again works properly from the Shown event.May 2, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiMapViewer should no longer ignore travel mode and unit settings when generating directions.May 8, 2024
Fixed402GraffitiSplitView should no longer enter an erroneous state where AreaAfter isn’t properly sized under some circumstances.May 10, 2024
Fixed416GraffitiSplitView now interprets MinimumSizes as a percentage.May 25, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiStepBar should no longer enter a state where it does not function correctly in some scenarios due to incompatible element ID generation.Jun 10, 2024
Fixed414GraffitiTextField once again displays the PatternInvalidMessage on mouse over only when the value of the field doesn’t match the Pattern.May 24, 2024
Fixed381GraffitiToolbar now applies the Default(Secondary) Style to buttons when none is specified.Apr 21, 2024
Fixed381GraffitiToolbar no longer inappropriately overwrites button Style when updating border properties.Apr 21, 2024
Fixed440GraffitiToolbar now does more validation on parent existence before attempting to add buttons, and waits if necessary. This may address issues where, on some systems, buttons are improperly added.Jun 26, 2024
Fixed442GraffitiUploader will no longer create the default upload path structure if the UploadPath property is set. Files will be places directly in the specified directory.Jun 27, 2024
Fixed442GraffitiUploaderSingle will no longer create the default upload path structure if the UploadPath property is set. Files will be places directly in the specified directory.Jun 27, 2024
FixedNoneGraffitiWall should no longer briefly show embedded WebContainers covering the entire page upon load.Jun 10, 2024
Changed425GraffitiGridRow.Height is no longer read-only once a row has been added to its parent Grid instance.Jun 8, 2024
ChangedNoneGraffitiSplitView uses a more resilient method of modifying contents when changing the StackDirection property’s value.May 11, 2024
ChangedNoneGraffitiStepBar initialization improved slightly.Jun 9, 2024
Changed424GraffitiTour has been largely reworked internally. There are minor API differences.Jun 1, 2024
NoteNoneFixed all demo WebLabels where Xojo nuked the color settings.Jun 10, 2024
NoteNoneGraffitiButtonSegment now defaults to using the Secondary Bootstrap indicator for items.Jul 12, 2024
Note457GraffitiButtonSegmentItem requires both Style and StyleSelected properties have values if either is to be used.Jul 12, 2024
Note424GraffitiTour updated to Driver.js version 1.3.1.Jun 1, 2024
DeprecatedNoneGraffitiBarcodeReaderMay 22, 2024
DeprecatedNoneGraffitiQRMay 22, 2024
DeprecatedNoneGraffitiStepBar.Item( index as Integer ), use GraffitiStepBar.ItemAt( index as Integer )Jun 9, 2024
DeprecatedNoneGraffitiStepBar.RemoveItem( index as Integer ), use GraffitiStepBar.RemoveAt( index as Integer )Jun 9, 2024
DeprecatedNoneGraffitiStepBar.RemoveItem( item as GraffitiStepBarItem ), use GraffitiStepBar.Remove( item as GraffitiStepBarItem )Jun 9, 2024