New | None | GraffitiColors.Bootstrap.Default5 |
New | None | GraffitiTOTPField |
New | None | GraffitiTOTPProvider |
New | None | GraffitiTour |
Added | None | GraffitiBadge has a new TextFontSize as Integer = -1 property. When greater than -1 the font size will not be automatically calculated. |
Added | 465 | GraffitiNote has a new BorderRadius as Integer = 10 property. |
Added | 465 | GraffitiNote has a new CloseSize as Integer = 14 property for controlling the size of the close button. |
Added | 465 | GraffitiNote has a new ContentContainer as DesktopContainer property. ContentContainer overrides Title, Content, and Icon properties. |
Added | 465 | GraffitiNote has a new Constructor( container as DesktopContainer ) method |
Added | 465 | GraffitiNote has a new Constructor( title as String, content as String ) method. |
Added | 465 | GraffitiNote has a new Icon as Picture property. |
Added | None | GraffitiNote.NoteTypes enumeration has a new System value. |
Added | 467 | GraffitiProgress has a new Gradient style. |
Added | None | GraffitiSVG.Initialize has a new callback as InitializedCallback = nil parameter. |
Added | None | GraffitiSVG has a new InitializedCallback() delegate. |
Added | None | GraffitiWindowNotifier has a new Create( type as GraffitiNote.NoteTypes, title as String, text as String ) as GraffitiNote for quickly creating compatible GraffitiNotes. |
Fixed | None | GraffitiFontAwesome no longer returns incorrectly rendered icons on Windows when applying an overlay color. |
Fixed | None | GraffitiFontAwesome now better handles cases where invalid values are supplied for Render parameters. |
Fixed | 465 | GraffitiNote close icon is now positioned vertically centered. |
Fixed | None | GraffitiSVG is now more resiliant and reliable. |
Fixed | None | GraffitiWall will no longer include containers whose Visible property is equal to False when repositioning items. |
Fixed | 465 | GraffitiWindowNotifier now more reliably positions notes when AutoHeight = True. |
Changed | None | Cleaned up some read-only properties in multiple products to no longer raise exceptions, but be disallowed entirely by the IDE. |
Changed | 465 | GraffitiNote button drawing has been updated for a more modern feel. |
Changed | 465 | GraffitiNote colors updated. For macOS, system-specific colors are used. For other targets, Bootstrap5 colors are used. |
Changed | 465 | GraffitiWindowNotifier now removes older notifications if they will be repositioned outside the window area. |
Changed | 465 | GraffitiWindowNotifier will now display notes whose Width property equals 0 at full window width. |
Note | None | Features an all-new main demo window. |