Release 57

View Categories

Release Information #

PlatformNewAddedFixedChangedRemovedRelease Date
Desktop412650July 26, 2024
Mobile for iOS30000July 26, 2024
Web33600July 26, 2024

Desktop Changes #

TypeTicket NumberDescription
AddedNoneGraffitiBadge has a new TextFontSize as Integer = -1 property. When greater than -1 the font size will not be automatically calculated.
Added465GraffitiNote has a new BorderRadius as Integer = 10 property.
Added465GraffitiNote has a new CloseSize as Integer = 14 property for controlling the size of the close button.
Added465GraffitiNote has a new ContentContainer as DesktopContainer property. ContentContainer overrides Title, Content, and Icon properties.
Added465GraffitiNote has a new Constructor( container as DesktopContainer ) method
Added465GraffitiNote has a new Constructor( title as String, content as String ) method.
Added465GraffitiNote has a new Icon as Picture property.
AddedNoneGraffitiNote.NoteTypes enumeration has a new System value.
Added467GraffitiProgress has a new Gradient style.
AddedNoneGraffitiSVG.Initialize has a new callback as InitializedCallback = nil parameter.
AddedNoneGraffitiSVG has a new InitializedCallback() delegate.
AddedNoneGraffitiWindowNotifier has a new Create( type as GraffitiNote.NoteTypes, title as String, text as String ) as GraffitiNote for quickly creating compatible GraffitiNotes.
FixedNoneGraffitiFontAwesome no longer returns incorrectly rendered icons on Windows when applying an overlay color.
FixedNoneGraffitiFontAwesome now better handles cases where invalid values are supplied for Render parameters.
Fixed465GraffitiNote close icon is now positioned vertically centered.
FixedNoneGraffitiSVG is now more resiliant and reliable.
FixedNoneGraffitiWall will no longer include containers whose Visible property is equal to False when repositioning items.
Fixed465GraffitiWindowNotifier now more reliably positions notes when AutoHeight = True.
ChangedNoneCleaned up some read-only properties in multiple products to no longer raise exceptions, but be disallowed entirely by the IDE.
Changed465GraffitiNote button drawing has been updated for a more modern feel.
Changed465GraffitiNote colors updated. For macOS, system-specific colors are used. For other targets, Bootstrap5 colors are used.
Changed465GraffitiWindowNotifier now removes older notifications if they will be repositioned outside the window area.
Changed465GraffitiWindowNotifier will now display notes whose Width property equals 0 at full window width.
NoteNoneFeatures an all-new main demo window.

Mobile Changes #

TypeTicket NumberDescription

Web Changes #

TypeTicket NumberDescription
Added473GraffitiAlert has a new ForceZIndex as Boolean = False property. When True, the appropriate z-index will be calculated to ensure that the alert shows above all other page elements. When False, default Bootstrap values are applied.
AddedNoneGraffitiCurrencyField.NegativeCharacterSymbol as String = “-“
AddedNoneGraffitiCurrencyField.BracketNegatives now supports an empty value for displaying the negative symbol rather than values encased in brackets.
Fixed475GraffitiAlert vertical resizing once again works as expected.
FixedNoneGraffitiCurrencyField.BracketNegatives now performs validation on the value to ensure that it is in the format expected.
Fixed476GraffitiSignature is now more reliable when embedded at different levels in more types of views.
Fixed474GraffitiStepBar will no longer duplicate items when shown/hidden.
Fixed474GraffitiStepBar will no longer raise the SelectionChanged event multiple times.
Fixed460GraffitiTextField value should now wrap properly when Multiline = True.
Note473GraffitiAlert.ForceZIndex may cause existing implementations to behave differently than previous versions. If you notice a problem, set this value to True to enforce the old behavior.