Table of Contents
Images #
No images available.
About #
GraffitiAnimator makes UI animation effects simple! Use GraffitiAnimator to resize objects, shift colors, move elements, and more! With this event-based animation engine implementation, anything you can dream up is possible.
- 31 different easing methods
- Keyframe support
- GraffitiAnimatorControl class for making UI element manipulation super easy
- Animation chaining
Enumerations #
Name | Values |
Easings | Linear |
QuadIn | |
QuadOut | |
QuadInOut | |
CubicIn | |
CubicOut | |
CubicInOut | |
QuartIn | |
QuartOut | |
QuartInOut | |
QuintIn | |
QuintOut | |
QuintInOut | |
SineIn | |
SineOut | |
SineInOut | |
ExpoIn | |
ExpoOut | |
ExpoInOut | |
CircIn | |
CircOut | |
CircInOut | |
ElasticIn | |
ElasticOut | |
ElasticInOut | |
BackIn | |
BackOut | |
BackInOut | |
BounceIn | |
BounceOut | |
BounceInOut | |
States | Idle |
Running |
Constants #
Name | Type | Value |
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Definition | Description |
AnimationComplete(animOp as GraffitiAnimatorOperation) | Raised when the provided animation operation has fully completed. |
AnimationProgress(animOp as GraffitiAnimatorOperation, timePercent as Double, newValue as Double) | Raised as the animation operation progresses. |
AnimationStart(animOp as GraffitiAnimatorOperation) | Raised when the provided animation operation has begun. |
AtKeyframe(keyframe as GraffitiAnimatorKeyframe) | Raised when the animator hits the specified keyframe. |
Methods #
Definition | Description |
AddAnimation(animOp as GraffitiAnimatorOperation) | Adds an animation operation to the stack. |
AddKeyframe(NewKeyframe as GraffitiAnimatorKeyframe = Nil) | Adds a keyframe to the stack. |
Cancel(animOp as GraffitiAnimatorOperation) | Cancels the specified animation operation. |
Cancel(opName as String, inCurrentFrame as Boolean = True) | |
NextKeyframe() | Completes all animations in the current keyframe and moves immediately to the next. |
Operation(index as Integer) as GraffitiAnimatorOperation | Returns the operation object at the specified index. |
OperationCount(inCurrentKeyframe as Boolean = False) | Returns a count of all operation object. When inCurrentKeyframe is True, only the current keyframe segment of the stack will be searched. |
Play() | Begin animation stack. |
Stop() | Immediately complete all animations. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
PreserveTimes | Boolean | True | If True, animation operations that counter currently added operations will preserve the original length. A keyframe separation cancels this effect. |
State | GraffitiAnimator.States | Idle | The current running status of the animator. |
Examples #
This class currently has no examples.
Notes #
This class currently has no notes.