
View Categories

Enumerations #

Name Values

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Description

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

Definition Description
AddItem(item as GraffitiDrillMenuItem) Adds a new child to this item.
Constructor(Caption as String, Icon as Picture = Nil, NotificationCount as Integer = -1) Instantiates the item with the New keyword.
InsertItem(atIndex as Integer, item as GraffitiDrillMenuItem) Inserts the specified child item at atIndex.
isChildOf(item as GraffitiDrillMenuItem) as Boolean Returns True if this item is a child of the specified item.
isParentOf(item as GraffitiDrillMenuItem) as Boolean Returns True if this item is a parent of the specified item.
isSiblingOf(item as GraffitiDrillMenuItem) as Boolean Returns True if this item is as sibling of the specified item.
Item(atIndex as Integer) as GraffitiDrillMenuItem Returns the item specified by atIndex.
ItemCount() as Integer Returns the amount of child items currently added.
RemoveAll() Removes all child items.
RemoveItem(atIndex as Integer) Removed the item specified by atIndex.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
BGColor Color &c000000 Background color of the item.
BorderColor Color &c000000 Border color of the item.
Bounds Read-Only REALbasic.Rect Nil Coordinates of the item in the display.
Caption String “” Text of the item.
Children() Read-Only GraffitiDrillMenuItem Children of the item.
CustomStyle Boolean False When True, this item will be drawn using the color properties of the item rather than the global properties.
HelpTag String “” Tooltip to be displayed on hover.
Icon Picture Nil Icon draw in the item’s display.
NotificationBGColor Color &c000000 Background color applied to the item’s notification bubble.
NotificationCount Integer -1 When greater than -1, the notification bubble will be drawn with this value.
Parent Read-Only GraffitiDrillMenuItem Nil Parent item of this item.
ParentMenu Read-Only GraffitiDrillMenu Parent control of this item.
ShiftIcon Boolean True When True, will attempt to shift the provided icon according to system theme coloring.
Tag Variant Nil Item storage.
TextBold Boolean False Font weight of the item.
TextColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the item’s text.
TextFont String “System” Font face applied to the item’s text.
TextItalic Boolean False When True, item text is italicized.
TextSize Integer 0 Font size applied to item text.
TextUnderline Boolean False When True, item text is underlined.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.