Table of Contents
Images #

About #
GraffitiDateTimePicker is an advanced chronological selector that combines both a date picker and time picker in to a single component. It has a wide variety of features including complete color customization, and views for time, month, year, and decade.
Enumerations #
Name | Values |
DaysOfWeek | Sunday |
Monday | |
Tuesday | |
Wednesday | |
Thursday | |
Friday | |
Saturday | |
SelectionTypes | Single |
Multiple | |
Range | |
ViewTypes | Month |
Year | |
Decade | |
Time |
Constants #
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Definition | Description |
DateClick( newDate as Date ) | The user clicked on a date. |
MonthClick( theMonth as Integer ) | The user clicked on a month. |
MouseOverDate( overDate as Date ) | The user moved their mouse over a date. |
MouseOverMonth( theMonth as Integer ) | The user moved their mouse over a month. |
MouseOverYear( theYear as Integer ) | The user moved their mouse over a year. |
SelectionChanged() | The user has select or deselected dates. |
TimeChange( Hour as Integer, Minute as Integer ) | The user has changed the time values. |
YearClick( theYear as Integer ) | The user has clicked a year. |
Methods #
Definition | Description |
DeselectAll() | Deselects all selected dates. |
DeselectValue( theDate as Date ) | Deselects the specified date. |
NextMonth() | Navigate to the next month. |
NextYear() | Navigate to the next year. |
PreviousMonth() | Navigate to the previous month. |
PreviousYear() | Navigate to the previous year. |
SelectValue( theDate as Date ) | Adds a date to the selection if multiple selections are possible, otherwise sets the current selection to theDate. |
SetTime( d as Date ) | Sets the displayed time to the specified value. |
SetTime( intHour as Integer, intMinute as Integer ) | |
ShowDate( theDate as Date, theView as ViewTypes ) | Switches to theView type and brings theDate in to view. |
Values() as DateTime() | Returns an array of the selected dates. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
ArrowColor | Color | &c000000 | Color of the arrows to navigate. |
ArrowColorHover | Color | &c000000 | Color of the navigation arrows when hovered. |
ArrowColorHoverBG | Color | &c000000 | Background color of navigation arrows when hovered. |
BGColor as Color | Color | &c000000 | Background color for all views. |
BorderSize | Integer | 5 | Size of padding around the outside of the views. |
CurrentDateBGColor | Color | &c000000 | Background color of current date in view. |
DaysBold | Boolean | False | Display days in bold. |
DaysFontName | String | “System” | Font used to draw days. |
DaysFontSize | Integer | 0 | Font size for drawing days. |
DaysItalic | Boolean | False | Display days italicized. |
DaysTextColor | Color | &c000000 | Color of days. |
DaysUnderline | Boolean | False | Underline days. |
FirstDayOfWeek | DaysOfWeek | DaysOfWeek.Sunday | Sets the first day of the calendar week |
HeaderBGColor | Color | &c000000 | Background color of the view header area. |
HeaderBold | Boolean | False | Make header text bold. |
HeaderCornerRadius | Integer | 0 | Draw rounded corners on header background> |
HeaderFontName | String | “System” | Font name used to draw header text. |
HeaderFontSize | Integer | 0 | Size of font in header. |
HeaderItalic | Boolean | False | Italicize header text. |
HeaderUnderline | Boolean | False | Underline header text. |
Locale_Days | String | “Su;Mo;Tu;We;Th;Fr;Sa” | Text to use for days names. |
Locale_Months | String | “Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec” | Text to use for month names. |
LockView | Boolean | False | When true, does not allow the user to navigate between views. |
MonthTextColor | Color | &c000000 | Text color of month names. |
SelectedDateBackground | Color | &c000000 | Background color of currently selected dates. |
SelectedDateText | Color | &c000000 | Foreground color of selected dates. |
SelectionType | GraffitiDateTimePicker.SelectionTypes | SelectionTypes.Single | Sets the selection type, either Single or Range. |
ShowNavigation | Boolean | True | Draws buttons for navigating from month-to-month, year-to-year, etc. |
ShowViewButton | Boolean | True | Draws the button for navigation between calendar views. IE: Decade, Year, Month, Time. |
Time24Hour | Boolean | False | Displays time in 24-hour instead of 12-hour with AM/PM when true. |
TimeHeader | String | “” | Text to display in the Time view header. |
TimeTextSize | Integer | 24 | Size of the time text. |
UseCustomColors | Boolean | False | Overrides default colors with those from properties. |
ViewDate | Date | Today | The date that is currently being viewed in the control. |
ViewSelectorColor | Color | &c000000 | Color to draw the view selector icon. |
ViewSelectorHoverBGColor | Color | &c0000000 | Color to draw the background of the view selector icon when hovered. |
ViewSelectorHoverColor | Color | &c000000 | Color to draw the view selector icon when hovered. |
ViewType | ViewTypes | ViewTypes.Month | Sets or retrieves the current view type. |
WeekdayBold | Boolean | False | Sets whether the week day names should be bold. |
Examples #
There are currently no examples for this class.