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About #

GraffitiFieldLabel is a TextField parent designed to make your forms both easier to manage and look great! With a wide array of features, you can accomplish many things that would take hundreds or thousands of hours to code and implement yourself!


  1. Autocomplete by Line
  2. Autocomplete by Word
  3. Label positioning left or right
  4. Automatic or static label width
  5. Clear button
  6. Icon support in Label

GraffitiFieldLabelContainer embed containers within a similar UI to GraffitiFieldLabel for consistent representation across your project.

Enumerations #

Name Values
Alignments Left
Positions Left

Constants #

Name Type Value
kModeLine Integer 0
kModeWord Integer 1

Events #

Definition Description
ClearClicked Fired when the user clicks the clear button.
DoSearch(SearchFor as String) Fired when the users presses Enter or Return in the field.
LabelClicked Fired when the user clicks the label.

Methods #

Definition Description

This class exposes no methods.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
AutoComplete Boolean False When True, the control will attempt to autocomplete the text as it is typed.
AutoCompleteMode Integer kModeLine The mode to use for autocompleting entered text.
AutoCompleteValues() String Nil Array of values used for autocompleting.
BorderColor Color &c000000 Color used to draw the border of the component when SystemColors = False.
BorderRadius Double 0 Radius of control corners.
Field ContainerControl Nil The UI element instance to incorporate.
FieldBackColor Color &c000000 Color used to draw the backcolor of the component and apply to the TextField when SystemColors = False.
FieldTextColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the TextField’s text when SystemColors = False.
FieldTextFont String “System” Font applied to the TextField’s text.
FieldTextSize Integer 0 Size of the text in the TextField.
Icon Picture Nil Icon draw in the label portion.
IconPosition GraffitiTextField.Positions Left Position of icon in the label.
Label String “Untitled” Label text.
LabelBackColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the label segment when SystemColors = False.
LabelPosition GraffitiTextField.Positions Left Position of the label in relation to the TextField.
LabelTextAlignment GraffitiTextField.Alignments Left Position of the label’s content.
LabelTextBold Boolean False Font weight of the label text.
LabelTextColor Color &c000000 Color applied to the label text when SystemColors = False.
LabelTextItalic Boolean False Determines whether the label’s text will be drawn italicized.
LabelTextSize Integer 12 Font size of label text.
LabelTextUnderline Boolean False Underline decoration for label text.
LabelWidth Integer -1 Width of the label area. Use -1 for auto.
ShiftIcon Boolean False When True, the component will attempt to shift the icon’s colors. Use transparent icons for best effect.
ShowClearButton Boolean True If True, the clear button x will be shown in the field on the opposite side of the TextField from the label.
SystemColors Boolean True When False, the component will use the colors assigned to the various properties. When True, the control attempts to use the system defined colors. Dark Mode adaptive.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.