Table of Contents
Images #
About #
GraffitiRadialProgress is a round progress indicator based on modern implementations of the concept as seen in many popular applications and websites.
- Display as percentage or Done/Total
- Fully-customizable color palettes
- Nine styles from which to choose
Enumerations #
Name | Values |
Styles | Graphite Simple EarthTonesGround EarthTonesSky Chrome HighTech Ring SegmentedRing DarkGlow |
Constants #
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
This class does not expose any events.
Methods #
Definition | Description |
StyleCount() as Integer | Returns the number of visual styles available. |
StyleName( Index ) as String | Returns the name of the style represented by Index. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
BGColor | Color | &c000000 | The background color of the progress display. |
Bold | Boolean | False | Sets the font weight of the progress text. |
BorderColor | Color | &c000000 | Sets the border color for the progress display. |
Italic | Boolean | False | Determines whether the progress text is displayed in italics. |
Maximum | Integer | 100 | The maximum possible value (positive or negative). |
Minimum | Integer | 0 | The minimum possible value (positive or negative). |
ShowText | Boolean | True | Sets whether the progress text is visible. |
Style | Integer | 0 | Sets the visual style of the progress class. |
TextColor | Color | &c000000 | Sets the color of the progress text. |
TextFont | String | “system” | Sets the font of the progress text. |
TextSize | Integer | -1 | Sets the size of the progress text’s font. When Value = -1, the text of the component will automatically size to fill the progress area. |
TextSizeConstraint | Integer | 100 | Will constrain the text size to the percentage specified relative to the progress area. |
Underline | Boolean | False | Determines whether the text is displayed with an underline. |
UseCustomColors | Boolean | False | Determines whether the progress area is drawn using custom colors. |
UseCustomTextSize | Boolean | False | Sets whether the progress text size is automatically calculated or custom. |
Value | Integer | 0 | The current integer value. |
ValueCaption | String | “” | Caption drawn in place of the value percentage. |
ValueColor | Color | &c000000 | Sets the color of the “completed” progress area when UseCustomColors is True. |
Examples #
There are currently no examples for this class.