
Preview #

About #

GraffitiSearchField is a customizable and highly-capable search textfield component that’s designed to be both powerful and visually appealing.


  • History
  • Autocomplete
  • Clear Button
  • Customizable Appearance

Enumerations #

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
EnterPressedNoneNoneRaised when the user presses the Enter key.
HistoryClearedNoneNoneRaised when the user clears the history using the “Clear” item in the history menu.
TextChangedNoneNoneRaised when the user has changed the text content of the search field.
TextClearedNoneNoneRaised when the user has cleared the field’s value by clicking the clear icon.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
AddHistoryitems() as StringNoneAdds the items() array items to the history.
AddHistoryParamArray text as StringNoneAdds the items from the parameter array to the history.
HistoryNoneStringReturns a comma separated list of history items.
HistoryAssigns items as StringNoneAdds a comma separated list of history items.
RemoveHistorytext as StringNoneRemoves the specified item from the history.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
AddSearchesToHistoryBooleanTrueAdds new searches to the internal history. Searches are added on EnterPressed.
AutocompleteBooleanTrueWhen True, the control will attempt to autocomplete from the added history values by extending the text to display a matching result.
BackgroundColorColorGroupNilColor applied to the component’s background.
BorderRadiusInteger8Radius of the component’s corners.
ClearButtonColorColorGroupNilColor applied to the clear button.
HasClearButtonBooleanTrueControl display and function of the clear button.
HasHistoryBooleanTrueControls display and function of the history icon, which replaces the magnifier icon when this property value is True.
HintString“Search…”Placeholder text when the field has no text value.
HistoryClearTextString“Clear…”Text displayed in the history menu for the item used to clear history.
InitialHistoryString“”Supports an initial comma separated string for adding default history items.
MagnifierColorColorGroupNilColor applied to the magnifier or history icons.
TextString“”Current field text.
TextBoldBooleanFalseDetermines the font weight of the field text.
TextColorColorGroupNilColor applied to the text.
TextFontString“System”Font face applied to the text.
TextItalicBooleanFalseControls the obliqueness of the text.
TextSizeInteger0Size of the text displayed within the component.
TextUnderlineBooleanFalseControls the underline text decoration effect.
UseCustomColorsBooleanFalseDetermines whether the component will draw itself using the various Color properties rather than the defaults.