
Preview #

About #

GraffitiSplitView is a simple and powerful way to display multiple panes of data or functionality in your UI while giving users the freedom to size the areas as they need to.

Enumerations #


Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
DrawSplitterbounds as RectBooleanAllows for repositioning the splitter handle by modifying the bounds parameter’s property values.
PositionChangedNoneNoneRaised when the Position value has changed.

Methods #

This class exposes no methods.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
AllowDragResizeBooleanTrueDetermines whether users can resize the split.
AreaBeforeGraffitiSplitViewAreaNilThe first panel in the component’s display.
AreaAfterGraffitiSplitViewAreaNilThe last panel in the component’s display.
BackgroundColorColorGroupNilColor applied to the background of the component.
BorderColorColorGroupNilColor applied to the border of the component.
CustomColorsBooleanFalseDetermines whether the control will use default color values or those supplied in properties.
HandleBackgroundColorColorGroupNilColor applied to the drag handle area’s background.
HandleBorderColorColorGroupNilColor used to draw the border of the handle area.
HandleColorColorGroupNilColor used to draw the drag resize handle.
HandleSizeInteger10Size of the drag handle.
PositionDouble50Position of the split in the view, in percent.
SnapDistanceInteger0Controls the distance from the edge which the component will snap resizes.
StackDirectionStackDirectionsStackDirections.HorizontalPlacement of panels views within the component.