
Enumerations #

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
CalculateDropIndicatorOffsetscurrentOffset as Point
bar as GraffitiTabBar
PointUsed for calculating drop indicator position when tab shapes require such an offset.
CalculateTabOffsetscurrentOffset as Point
bar as GraffitiTabBar
item as GraffitiTabBarItem
itemIndex as Integer
PointUsed for calculating the item’s position when drawn in the display when tab shapes require such an offset.
ConstructorNoneGraffitiTabBarRendererCreates a new instance of the class.
DrawCloseButtonbar as GraffitiTabBar
hover as Boolean
selected as Boolean
PictureDraw the items’ close button.
ItemShadowBrushNoneShadowBrushBrush used to draw a shadow beneath items for depth.
PaintBackgroundbar as GraffitiTabBar
g as Graphics
NoneUsed for drawing the background of the control behind all other elements.
PaintBorderbar as GraffitiTabBar
g as Graphics
NoneUsed for drawing the border of the control. Is the frontmost element drawn, so may overlap other elements.
PaintDisabledLayerbar as GraffitiTabBar
g as Graphics
NonePaints the layer that overlayed on the entire component when Enabled = False.
PaintDropIndicatorbar as GraffitiTabBarNoneDraws the drop indicator that is displayed during drag operations.
PaintItembar as GraffitiTabBar
item as GraffitiTabBarItem
PictureDraw the item to be displayed.
PaintOverflowLeftbar as GraffitiTabBar
hover as Boolean
pressed as Boolean
PictureDraw the element that signifies overflow and is visible when the control is scrolled to the right.
PaintOverflowRightbar as GraffitiTabBar
hover as Boolean
pressed as Boolean
PictureDraw the element that signifies overflow and is visible when the control is scrolled to the left.

Properties #

IconSizeInteger16Size, in points, that the icon is drawn within items.
StyleGraffitiTabBarStyleAuto-generated defaultStyle object whose properties should be applied during drawing.