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Enumerations #

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
CloneNoneGraffitiTabBarStyleCreates a new instance of the class matching all properties of this instance.

Properties #

BackgroundColorColorGroupNilColor applied to the TabBar’s background when applicable.
BorderColorColorGroupNilColor applied to the TabBar’s border when applicable.
BorderRadiusInteger0Radius of the TabBar’s border when applicable.
BorderWidthDouble1Width of the TabBar’s border when applicable.
DropIndicatorColorColorGroupNilColor used for drawing the drop indicator during drag operations.
IsSystemAdaptiveBooleanFalseWhen True, the properties will be automatically loaded from OS value mapping, and any values will be overridden.
ItemBackgroundColorColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ background.
ItemBackgroundColorHoverColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ background when hovered.
ItemBackgroundColorSelectedColorGroupNilColors used for drawing items’ background when selected.
ItemBorderColorColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ border.
ItemBorderColorHoverColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ border when hovered.
ItemBorderColorSelectedColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ border when selected.
ItemCloseButtonBackgroundColorColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ close button.
ItemCloseButtonBackgroundColorHoverColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ close button when the item is hovered.
ItemCloseButtonBackgroundColorSelectedColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ close button when the item is selected.
ItemCloseButtonForegroundColorColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ close button icon.
ItemCloseButtonForegroundColorHoverColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ close button icon when the item is hovered.
ItemCloseButtonForegroundColorSelectedColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ close button icon when the item is selected.
ItemForegroundColorColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ text.
ItemForegroundColorHoverColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ text when hovered.
ItemForegroundColorSelectedColorGroupNilColor used for drawing items’ text when selected.
OverflowBackgroundColorColorGroupNilColor used for drawing the background of overflow buttons.
OverflowBackgroundColorHoverColorGroupNilColor used for drawing the background of overflow buttons when hovered.
OverflowBackgroundColorPressedColorGroupNilColor used for drawing the background of overflow buttons when selected.
OverflowBorderColorColorGroupNilColor used for drawing the border of overflow buttons.
OverflowBorderColorHoverColorGroupNilColor used for drawing the border of overflow buttons when hovered.
OverflowBorderColorPressedColorGroupNilColor used for drawing the border of overflow buttons when pressed.
OverflowBorderRadiusInteger-1Border radius of overflow buttons.
OverflowBorderWidthInteger-1Border width of overflow buttons.
OverflowForegroundColorColorGroupNilColor used for drawing the foreground (arrow icon) of overflow buttons.
OverflowForegroundColorHoverColorGroupNilColor used for drawing the foreground (arrow icon) of overflow buttons when hovered.
OverflowForegroundColorPressedColorGroupNilColor used for drawing the foreground (arrow icon) of overflow buttons when pressed.
TextBoldBooleanFalseControls the weight of items’ text font.
TextFontString“System”Controls the font face used to draw items’ text.
TextItalicBooleanFalseControls the obliqueness of items’ text.
TextSizeInteger0Controls size of the items’ font face.
TextUnderlineBooleanFalseControls the underline text decoration of items’ text.