Images #
About #
A class that emulates popular tag selection fields. Has an excellent built-in search, and many customization options.
Enumerations #
Name |
Values |
This class exposes no enumerations. |
Constants #
Name |
Type |
Value |
This class exposes no constants. |
Events #
Definition |
Parameters |
Return Type |
Description |
SearchFailed |
SearchText as String |
None |
Raised when the search for the user-supplied string fails. |
SelectionChanged |
None |
None |
Fires when an item is selected and displayed in the UI. |
TagAdded |
newTag as GraffitiTagFieldItem |
None |
Fires when a tag is added, so you can keep up with items that the user adds. |
TagMouseEnter |
tag as GraffitiTagFieldItem |
None |
Raised when the user’s mouse enters an item’s display area. |
TagMouseExit |
tag as GraffitiTagFieldItem |
None |
Raised when the user’s mouse exits an item’s display area. |
TagRemoved |
RemovedTag as GraffitiTagFieldItem |
None |
Raised when the user deselects a tag. |
Methods #
Definition | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
Add | item as GraffitiTagFieldItem | None | Used to add an item to the control array. |
FindItem | ItemText as String | Integer | Returns the index of the item with ItemText in the Items array. |
IndexOf | item as GraffitiTagFieldItem | Integer | Returns the index of the specified item in the items array. |
ItemAt | index as Integer | GraffitiTagFieldItem | Returns the item as the specified index. |
LastIndex | None | Integer | Returns the index of the last item in the internal items array. |
Remove | item as GraffitiTagFieldItem | None | Removes the specified item from the internal items array. |
RemoveAll | None | None | Removes all items from the component. |
RemoveAt | ItemIndex as Integer | None | Removes item at ItemIndex from Items(). |
SelectedItems | None | GraffitiTagFieldItem() | Returns an array of all currently selected items. |
Properties #
Name |
Type |
Default Value |
Description |
BackColor |
Color |
The background color of the field and canvas. |
BorderColor |
Color |
The border color of the canvas. |
BorderRadius |
Integer |
0 |
The radius of the border corners. |
CloseIconColor |
Color |
&cDDDDDD44 |
The color used to draw the close icon for the tags in the canvas. |
ExactMatchesOnly |
Boolean |
False |
If True, searches will only show those items that exactly match the search string. |
ItemBorderRadius |
Integer |
0 |
The border radius for tags in the canvas. |
Items() |
GraffitiTagFieldItem |
Nil |
The array of GraffitiTagFieldItems that the class uses. |
ItemBackColor |
Color |
False |
The color used for the list. |
ItemBorderColor |
Color |
False |
The border color. |
ItemTextBold |
Boolean |
False |
Determines whether tags drawn in the canvas have bold text. |
ItemTextColor |
Color |
False |
The text color. |
ItemTextFont |
String |
“System” |
The font face used for tags. |
ItemTextItalic |
Boolean |
False |
Determines whether tags drawn in the canvas have italic text. |
ItemTextSize |
Integer |
0 |
Sets the text size of tags drawn in the canvas. |
ItemTextUnderline |
Boolean |
False |
Determines whether tags drawn in the canvas have underlined text. |
SearchThreshold |
Integer |
1 |
The number of characters before a search operation is carried out. |
Examples #
There are currently no examples for this class.