
View Categories

Images #

About #

A class that emulates popular tag selection fields.  Has an excellent built-in search, and many customization options.

Enumerations #

Name Values
Alignments Left

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Description
ClickClose() Raised when the user clicks the x in the titlebar of the control.
ClickEdit() Raised when the user clicks the pencil icon in the titlebar of the control.
ItemClick( item as GraffitiTaskListItem ) User has clicked on an item.
ItemClickClose( item as GraffitiTaskListItem ) as Boolean User has clicked the x icon in an item. Return True to cancel removal.
ItemClickEdit( item as GraffitiTaskListItem ) as Boolean User has clicked the pencil icon in an item. Return True to cancel the default edit operations.
ItemMenuAction( item as GraffitiTaskListItem ) as Boolean User has clicked the menu chevron in an item. Return True to cancel showing the item’s defined menu.
ItemValueChange( item as GraffitiTaskListItem ) Raised when the user modifies the boolean Value of an item bu clicking on the item’s checkbox.
MenuAction( m as MenuItem ) Raised when the user selects a menuitem from the menu chevron in the titlebar.
ScrollChange( Current as Integer, Maximum as Integer ) Fired when the user scrolls the viewable area with the mouse wheel.

Methods #

Definition Description
AddItem( Item as GraffitiTaskListItem ) Adds a new item to the display.
InsertItem( atIndex as Integer, Item as GraffitiTaskListItem ) Inserts a new item at atIndex.
Item( atIndex as Integer ) as GraffitiTaskListItem Returns the item at atIndex.
ItemIndex( Item as GraffitiTaskListItem ) as Integer Returns the index of the item Item.
RemoveAll() Removes all items from the display.
RemoveItem( atIndex as Integer ) Removes the item at atIndex.
RemoveItem( Item as GraffitiTaskListItem ) Removes the specified item.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
BackgroundColor Color &c000000 Background color drawn in the component’s empty space.
BorderColor Color &c000000 Border color of the component.
CanClose Boolean False Determines the display of the x icon in the titlebar and associated behavior.
CustomColors Boolean False When True, the color properties will be used to style the component.
Editable Boolean False Determines the display of the pencil icon in the titlebar and associated behavior.
HideOnComplete Boolean False When True, if a user sets an item’s checkbox value to True, the item will be hidden from the display.
Menu MenuItem Nil The menu displayed when the user clicks on the disclosure chevron in the titlebar.
ScrollPosition Integer 0 The current scroll position on the component’s item view.
Title String “” Text displayed in the titlebar area.
TitlebarColor Color &c000000 Color used to draw the titlebar.
TitlebarTextBold Boolean False Bold style of the titlebar text.
TitlebarTextFont String “Helvetica” Font face used to draw the titlebar’s text.
TitlebarTextItalic Boolean False Italic style of the titlebar text.
TitlebarTextSize Integer 14 Size of the titlebar’s text.
TitlebarTextUnderline Boolean False Underline style of the titlebar text.
TitlebarTextAlignment GraffitiTaskList.Alignments Left Titlebar text positioning.

Examples #

Add a new GraffitiTaskListItem #

GraffitiTaskList1.AddItem( new GraffitiTaskListItem( "New Item", "Item Content" ) )

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.