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About #

GraffitiTourCard is a UI component devoted to assisting in the development of the GraffitiTour component, but is a worthy card component in its right that can take the place of many other components your user interface designs to improve user experience.

Enumerations #

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
ClosePressedNoneNoneRaised when the user has pressed the close icon.
HeightChangedNoneNoneRaised when the card’s height has changed in response to adapting to the content.
LeftButtonPressedNoneNoneRaised when the user has pressed the left (or “Previous) button.
LinkPressedindex as Integer
content as String
NoneRaised when the user has pressed a link within the message. Parameters indicate which link was pressed.
PressedNoneNoneRaised when the user has pressed an area of the card that is not a button.
RightButtonPressedNoneNoneRaised when the user has pressed the right (or “Next”) button.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
ConstructorNoneNoneReturns a new instance of the class.
Constructortitle as String
message as String
NoneReturns a new instance of the class.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
BackgroundColorColorGroupNilColors applied to the background of the control.
BorderColorColorGroupNilColor used for drawing the border of the control.
BorderRadiusDoubleCorner radius of the control.
ButtonLeftCaptionStringCaption for the left button.
ButtonLeftColorColorGroupColor applied to the background of the left button.
ButtonLeftEnabledBooleanDetermines whether the user can interact with or set focus to the left button.
ButtonLeftTextColorColorGroupColor applied to the text of the left button.
ButtonLeftVisibleBooleanDetermines whether the left button is visible.
ButtonRightCaptionStringCaption for the right button.
ButtonRightColorColorGroupColor applied to the background of the right button.
ButtonRightEnabledBooleanDetermines whether the user can interact with or set focus to the right button.
ButtonRightTextColorColorGroupColor applied to the text of the right button.
ButtonRightVisibleBooleanDetermines whether the right button is visible.
CloseButtonColorColorGroupColor applied to the close icon of the card.
CloseButtonVisibleBooleanDetermines whether the close button is displayed.
HasCustomColorsBooleanSet to True when providing custom color values to any ColorGroup properties.
MarginDoubleSpacing between the outside edge of the card and the elements within, as well as between contained elements.
MessageFontBoldBooleanDetermines weight of the text drawn for this element.
MessageFontColorColorGroupDetermines color(s) used to draw the text of this element.
MessageFontItalicBooleanDetermines whether text of this element is drawn oblique.
MessageFontNameStringDetermines the font used to draw the text of this element.
MessageFontSizeIntegerDetermines the size of the font used to draw the text of this element.
MessageFontUnderlineBooleanDetermines whether the underline text decoration is applied to this element.
MessageTextStringText drawn for this element.
RestrictFocusBooleanDetermines whether users can shift focus outside the control, once it has focus, by pressing the Tab key, after internal focus progression is complete.
StepFontBoldBooleanDetermines weight of the text drawn for this element.
StepFontColorColorGroupDetermines color(s) used to draw the text of this element.
StepFontItalicBooleanDetermines whether text of this element is drawn oblique.
StepFontNameStringDetermines the font used to draw the text of this element.
StepFontSizeIntegerDetermines the size of the font used to draw the text of this element.
StepFontUnderlineBooleanDetermines whether the underline text decoration is applied to this element.
StepTextStringText drawn for this element.
TagVariantNilDeveloper storage.
TitleFontBoldBoldDetermines weight of the text drawn for this element.
TitleFontColorColorGroupDetermines color(s) used to draw the text of this element.
TitleFontItalicBooleanDetermines whether text of this element is drawn oblique.
TitleFontNameStringDetermines the font used to draw the text of this element.
TitleFontSizeIntegerDetermines the size of the font used to draw the text of this element.
TitleFontUnderlineBooleanDetermines whether the underline text decoration is applied to this element.
TitleTextStringText drawn for this element.

Examples #

Embedded Links #

Links may be embedded in the MessageText property by using <link>Link Text</link> tags.