Table of Contents
Images #
About #
An amazingly versatile and powerful TreeView control with both a modern style and a classic style.
- Drag/Drop
- Checkboxes
- Remove Button
- Full color customization
Enumerations #
Name | Values |
Styles | Modern |
Classic | |
Dark | |
DropPositions | Above |
On | |
Below |
Constants #
Name | Type | Value |
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Definition | Description |
ColumnResized( index as Integer ) | Raised when the user resizes a column. |
MouseEnterNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Is fired when the mouse enters the drawable area of a GraffitiTreeViewNode. |
MouseExitNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Fires when the mouse exits the drawable area of a GraffitiTreeViewNode. |
NodeCollapse( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) As Boolean | Signals that a TreeViewNode is to be collapsed. Return True to allow. |
NodeDoubleClick( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Fired when a node has been double clicked. |
NodeDrag(node as GraffitiTreeViewNode, target as GraffitiTreeViewNode, position as GraffitiTreeView.DropPositions) as Boolean | Controls display of the drop indicator in node drag operations. Return True to omit drawing drop indicator. |
NodeDrop(node as GraffitiTreeViewNode, target as GraffitiTreeViewNode, position as GraffitiTreeView.DropPositions) as Boolean | Controls whether a node drop target is valid. Return True to cancel the drop operation. |
NodeEditBegin( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | This event signals that the user has clicked the edit icon on a node. |
NodeEditCanceled( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Fires when the user cancels editing of a node. |
NodeEditComplete( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Signals that the user has completed editing a TreeViewNode. |
NodeExpand( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) As Boolean | Signals that a TreeViewNode is to been expanded. Return True to allow. |
NodeMultiselectionChange(theNodes() as GraffitiTreeViewNode) | Fires when the MutliSelect property is True. |
NodeRemove( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Fires when the user has clicked the remove icon of a TreeViewNode. |
NodeSelectionChange( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Is fired to notify that the user has selected a different node (or deselected the previously selected node). Only when MultiSelect = False. |
NodeValueChange( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Fires to notify that the user has changed the node’s boolean value. |
RightClick( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Signals that the user has right-clicked theNode. |
Methods #
Definition | Description |
AddChildNode( toNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode, theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Adds theNode to toNode and refreshes the display. |
AddNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeView ) | Appends theNode to the display |
AddNode( ParentNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode, NewNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | See AddChildNode. |
CollapseNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Collapse a TreeViewNode to hide all children. |
CollapseNode( theNodeText as String ) | |
ColumnWidth( index as Integer ) as Integer | Returns the current pixel width of the specified column. |
ColumnWidth( index as Integer, assigns width as Integer ) | Used to set the pixel width of a column. |
EditCurrentNode() | Shows the editor for the currently selected node. |
EditNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Shows the editor for the specified node. |
ExpandNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Expands a node to show its children. |
ExpandNode( theNodeText as String ) | |
GetCheckedNodes() as GraffitiTreeViewNode() | Returns an array of GraffitiTreeViewNodes that have a true boolean value. |
GetColumnFromX(x as Integer) as Integer | Returns the column index at the specified X position in the display. |
GetNodeByTag( theTag as Variant ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode | Returns the first node with a tag matching theTag. |
GetNodeByText( theText as Variant ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode | Returns the first node with the specified text. |
GetNodeFromXY( X as Integer, Y as Integer ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode | Returns the node at the specified display coordinates. |
GetNodeFromY( Y as Integer ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode | Returns the node at the specified Y coordinate. |
GetSelectedNodes( Y as Integer ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode() | Returns all currently selected nodes. |
GetVisibleNodeByText( theText as String ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode | Returns the currently visible node with theText. |
InsertNode( Position as Integer, NewNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode, ParentNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode = Nil ) | Inserts NewNode in to the node array, or ParentNode’s child array, as Position. |
LastNodeIndex() as Integer | Returns the index of the last top-level node. |
Node( index as Integer ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode | Returns the node at the specified index. |
RemoveAllNodes( fromNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode = Nil) | Removes all nodes from either the node array or fromNode’s child array. |
RemoveNode( theIndex as Integer ) | Removes the specified node. If it is the child of another node, it is removed from that parent. If it has children, all children are also removed. |
RemoveNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | |
ScrollTo( node as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) | Scrolls the display to the specified node. |
SearchNodes(searchText as String, PartialMatch as Boolean = True) as GraffitiTreeViewNode | Searches node text for the specified string. |
SetNodeChecked( NodeTextOrTag as Variant, IsChecked as Boolean, IsText as Boolean = True ) | Sets the checked value of the specified node. If IsText = True, then NodeTextOrTag should be the node’s text. |
SetNodeNotifications( theIndex as Integer, NotificationCount as Integer ) | Sets the notification display count on the node’s icon. If >10, an exclamation point is displayed. |
SetNodeNotifications( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode, NotificationCount as Integer ) | |
SetNodeSelected( NodeTextOrTag as Variant, IsSelected as Boolean, IsText as Boolean = True ) | Sets the selection of the specified node. If IsText = True, then NodeTextOrTag should be the node’s text. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
AllowColumnResize | Boolean | False | Determines whether columns can be resized by the user dragging from the right edge of a column. |
AllowDeselect | Boolean | False | Determines if the user is allowed to deselect all nodes by clicking outside the rows. |
BackgroundColor | Color | &c000000 | Background color of the control. |
BorderColor | Color | &c000000 | Border color of the control. |
CanDrag | Boolean | False | Determines whether to enable functionality to drag nodes from the component to other controls. |
CheckColor | Color | &c000000 | Color used to checkboxes. |
CheckHoverColor | Color | &c000000 | Color used to draw checkboxes when the mouse if over them. |
CheckSelectedColor | Color | &c000000 | Color used to draw checkboxes with a state of True. |
ColumnCount | Integer | 0 | Number of columns. |
ColumnWidths | String | “” | String representing the columns widths. |
ColumnWidthMaximum | Integer | 20 | Maximum column width as a result of resize. |
ColumnWidthMinimum | Integer | 20 | Minimum column width as a result of resize. |
CustomColors | Boolean | False | If the control is to use the specified custom color properties. |
CustomPictures | Boolean | False | If the control is to use the specified custom picture properties. |
Editor | TextField | Nil | TextField instance used for node editing. |
ExpanderColor | Color | &c000000 | Default color for expanders when not hovered of selected. |
ExpanderHoverColor | Color | &c000000 | Color for expanders when hovered. |
ExpanderSelectedColor | Color | &c000000 | Color for expanders when the row is selected. |
FullRowSelect | Boolean | False | Whether the control displays selections spanning the full row, or just the caption. |
HasHeader | Boolean | False | Whether the control displays a large hearder. |
HeaderColor | Color | &c000000 | Background color of the header. |
HeaderHeight | Integer | 32 | Height of the header. |
HeaderText | String | “” | Text to displayed in the header. |
HeaderTextColor | Color | &c000000 | Color of text in the header. |
HeaderTextFont | String | “system” | Font of text in the header. |
HeaderTextSize | Integer | 16 | Size, in points, of the header text. |
IconChecked | Picture | Nil | Picture representation of node’s checkbox with it’s Value set to true. |
IconCheckedHover | Picture | Nil | Picture representation of node’s checkbox when hovered. |
IconCheckedSelected | Picture | Nil | Picture representation of node’s checkbox when the row is selected. |
IconFolderCollapsed | Picture | Nil | Picture representation of node’s expander when collapsed. |
IconFolderCollapsedHover | Picture | Nil | Picture representation of node’s expander when collapsed and hovered. |
IconFolderCollapsedSelected | Picture | Nil | Picture representation of node’s expander when collapsed and selected. |
IconFolderExpanded | Picture | Nil | Picture representation of node’s expander when expanded. |
IconFolderExpandedHover | Picture | Nil | Picture representation of node’s expander when expanded and hovered. |
IconFolderExpandedSelected | Picture | Nil | Picture representation of node’s expander when expanded and selected.. |
IconRemove | Picture | Nil | Picture to show for the remove action. |
IconRemoveHover | Picture | Nil | Picture to show when the remove button is hovered. |
IconRemoveSelected | Picture | Nil | Picture to show when the remove button’s row is selected. |
IconReorder | Picture | Nil | Picture to show for the reorder button. |
IconReorderHover | Picture | Nil | Picture to show for the reorder button when hovered. |
IconReorderSelected | Picture | Nil | Picture to show for the reorder button when the row is selected. |
IconUnchecked | Picture | Nil | Picture representation of node’s checkbox with it’s Value set to false. |
IconUncheckedHover | Picture | Nil | Picture representation of node’s checkbox with it’s Value set to false and hoevered. |
IconUncheckedSelected | Picture | Nil | Picture representation of node’s checkbox with it’s Value set to false and the row is selected. |
ListIndex | Integer | -1 | Current selection row index. |
MultiSelect | Boolean | False | If a user may select more than one node/row. |
NotificationColor | Color | &c000000 | Background color of notification icon. |
NotificationTextColor | Color | &c000000 | Text color of notification icon. |
RemoveColor | Color | &c000000 | Color of remove icon. |
RemoveColorHover | Color | &c000000 | Color of remove icon when hovered. |
RemoveColorSelected | Color | &c000000 | Color of remove icon when row selected. |
ReorderColor | Color | &c000000 | Color of reorder icon. |
ReorderColorHover | Color | &c000000 | Color of reorder icon when hovered. |
ReorderColorSelected | Color | &c000000 | Color of reorder icon when row selected. |
RowColor | Color | &c000000 | Background color of rows. |
RowColorAlt | Color | &c000000 | Background color of alternating rows. |
RowHeight | Integer | 29 | Height of rows. |
RowHoverColor | Color | &c000000 | Background color when row is hovered. |
RowHoverTextColor | Color | &c000000 | Text color when row is hovered. |
RowTextColor | Color | &c000000 | Text color of rows. |
RowTextFont | String | “system” | Font used to display node captions. |
RowTextSize | Integer | 0 | Text size, in points, of nodes. |
ScrollMax | Integer (Read-Only) | 0 | Maximum scroll position. |
ScrollPosition | Integer | 0 | Current scroll position. |
SelectedRowColor | Color | &c000000 | Background color of selected row. |
SelectedRowTextColor | Color | &c000000 | Text color of selected row. |
ShowBorder | Boolean | True | When True, a border is drawn around the edge of the control. |
Style | GraffitiTreeView.Styles | Modern | The style to apply to the tree’s drawing. |
VerticalScroll | ScrollBar | Nil | The VerticalScrollBar instance to be used. |
Examples #
Expand/Collapse Nodes By Click #
For expanding or collapsing of nodes by interaction with the mouse, you must implement the NodeCollapse and NodeExpand events, and return True.