
View Categories

Images #

About #

An amazingly versatile and powerful TreeView control with both a modern style and a classic style.


  • Drag/Drop
  • Checkboxes
  • Remove Button
  • Full color customization

Enumerations #

Name Values
Styles Modern
DropPositions Above

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Description
ColumnResized( index as Integer ) Raised when the user resizes a column.
MouseEnterNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Is fired when the mouse enters the drawable area of a GraffitiTreeViewNode.
MouseExitNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Fires when the mouse exits the drawable area of a GraffitiTreeViewNode.
NodeCollapse( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) As Boolean Signals that a TreeViewNode is to be collapsed. Return True to allow.
NodeDoubleClick( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Fired when a node has been double clicked.
NodeDrag(node as GraffitiTreeViewNode, target as GraffitiTreeViewNode, position as GraffitiTreeView.DropPositions) as Boolean Controls display of the drop indicator in node drag operations. Return True to omit drawing drop indicator.
NodeDrop(node as GraffitiTreeViewNode, target as GraffitiTreeViewNode, position as GraffitiTreeView.DropPositions) as Boolean Controls whether a node drop target is valid. Return True to cancel the drop operation.
NodeEditBegin( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) This event signals that the user has clicked the edit icon on a node.
NodeEditCanceled( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Fires when the user cancels editing of a node.
NodeEditComplete( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Signals that the user has completed editing a TreeViewNode.
NodeExpand( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) As Boolean Signals that a TreeViewNode is to been expanded. Return True to allow.
NodeMultiselectionChange(theNodes() as GraffitiTreeViewNode) Fires when the MutliSelect property is True.
NodeRemove( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Fires when the user has clicked the remove icon of a TreeViewNode.
NodeSelectionChange( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Is fired to notify that the user has selected a different node (or deselected the previously selected node). Only when MultiSelect = False.
NodeValueChange( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Fires to notify that the user has changed the node’s boolean value.
RightClick( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Signals that the user has right-clicked theNode.

Methods #

Definition Description
AddChildNode( toNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode, theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Adds theNode to toNode and refreshes the display.
AddNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeView ) Appends theNode to the display
AddNode( ParentNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode, NewNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) See AddChildNode.
CollapseNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Collapse a TreeViewNode to hide all children.
CollapseNode( theNodeText as String )
ColumnWidth( index as Integer ) as Integer Returns the current pixel width of the specified column.
ColumnWidth( index as Integer, assigns width as Integer ) Used to set the pixel width of a column.
EditCurrentNode() Shows the editor for the currently selected node.
EditNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Shows the editor for the specified node.
ExpandNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Expands a node to show its children.
ExpandNode( theNodeText as String )
GetCheckedNodes() as GraffitiTreeViewNode() Returns an array of GraffitiTreeViewNodes that have a true boolean value.
GetColumnFromX(x as Integer) as Integer Returns the column index at the specified X position in the display.
GetNodeByTag( theTag as Variant ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode Returns the first node with a tag matching theTag.
GetNodeByText( theText as Variant ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode Returns the first node with the specified text.
GetNodeFromXY( X as Integer, Y as Integer ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode Returns the node at the specified display coordinates.
GetNodeFromY( Y as Integer ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode Returns the node at the specified Y coordinate.
GetSelectedNodes( Y as Integer ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode() Returns all currently selected nodes.
GetVisibleNodeByText( theText as String ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode Returns the currently visible node with theText.
InsertNode( Position as Integer, NewNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode, ParentNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode = Nil ) Inserts NewNode in to the node array, or ParentNode’s child array, as Position.
LastNodeIndex() as Integer Returns the index of the last top-level node.
Node( index as Integer ) as GraffitiTreeViewNode Returns the node at the specified index.
RemoveAllNodes( fromNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode = Nil) Removes all nodes from either the node array or fromNode’s child array.
RemoveNode( theIndex as Integer ) Removes the specified node. If it is the child of another node, it is removed from that parent. If it has children, all children are also removed.
RemoveNode( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode )
ScrollTo( node as GraffitiTreeViewNode ) Scrolls the display to the specified node.
SearchNodes(searchText as String, PartialMatch as Boolean = True) as GraffitiTreeViewNode Searches node text for the specified string.
SetNodeChecked( NodeTextOrTag as Variant, IsChecked as Boolean, IsText as Boolean = True ) Sets the checked value of the specified node. If IsText = True, then NodeTextOrTag should be the node’s text.
SetNodeNotifications( theIndex as Integer, NotificationCount as Integer ) Sets the notification display count on the node’s icon. If >10, an exclamation point is displayed.
SetNodeNotifications( theNode as GraffitiTreeViewNode, NotificationCount as Integer )
SetNodeSelected( NodeTextOrTag as Variant, IsSelected as Boolean, IsText as Boolean = True ) Sets the selection of the specified node. If IsText = True, then NodeTextOrTag should be the node’s text.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
AllowColumnResize Boolean False Determines whether columns can be resized by the user dragging from the right edge of a column.
AllowDeselect Boolean False Determines if the user is allowed to deselect all nodes by clicking outside the rows.
BackgroundColor Color &c000000 Background color of the control.
BorderColor Color &c000000 Border color of the control.
CanDrag Boolean False Determines whether to enable functionality to drag nodes from the component to other controls.
CheckColor Color &c000000 Color used to checkboxes.
CheckHoverColor Color &c000000 Color used to draw checkboxes when the mouse if over them.
CheckSelectedColor Color &c000000 Color used to draw checkboxes with a state of True.
ColumnCount Integer 0 Number of columns.
ColumnWidths String “” String representing the columns widths.
ColumnWidthMaximum Integer 20 Maximum column width as a result of resize.
ColumnWidthMinimum Integer 20 Minimum column width as a result of resize.
CustomColors Boolean False If the control is to use the specified custom color properties.
CustomPictures Boolean False If the control is to use the specified custom picture properties.
Editor TextField Nil TextField instance used for node editing.
ExpanderColor Color &c000000 Default color for expanders when not hovered of selected.
ExpanderHoverColor Color &c000000 Color for expanders when hovered.
ExpanderSelectedColor Color &c000000 Color for expanders when the row is selected.
FullRowSelect Boolean False Whether the control displays selections spanning the full row, or just the caption.
HasHeader Boolean False Whether the control displays a large hearder.
HeaderColor Color &c000000 Background color of the header.
HeaderHeight Integer 32 Height of the header.
HeaderText String “” Text to displayed in the header.
HeaderTextColor Color &c000000 Color of text in the header.
HeaderTextFont String “system” Font of text in the header.
HeaderTextSize Integer 16 Size, in points, of the header text.
IconChecked Picture Nil Picture representation of node’s checkbox with it’s Value set to true.
IconCheckedHover Picture Nil Picture representation of node’s checkbox when hovered.
IconCheckedSelected Picture Nil Picture representation of node’s checkbox when the row is selected.
IconFolderCollapsed Picture Nil Picture representation of node’s expander when collapsed.
IconFolderCollapsedHover Picture Nil Picture representation of node’s expander when collapsed and hovered.
IconFolderCollapsedSelected Picture Nil Picture representation of node’s expander when collapsed and selected.
IconFolderExpanded Picture Nil Picture representation of node’s expander when expanded.
IconFolderExpandedHover Picture Nil Picture representation of node’s expander when expanded and hovered.
IconFolderExpandedSelected Picture Nil Picture representation of node’s expander when expanded and selected..
IconRemove Picture Nil Picture to show for the remove action.
IconRemoveHover Picture Nil Picture to show when the remove button is hovered.
IconRemoveSelected Picture Nil Picture to show when the remove button’s row is selected.
IconReorder Picture Nil Picture to show for the reorder button.
IconReorderHover Picture Nil Picture to show for the reorder button when hovered.
IconReorderSelected Picture Nil Picture to show for the reorder button when the row is selected.
IconUnchecked Picture Nil Picture representation of node’s checkbox with it’s Value set to false.
IconUncheckedHover Picture Nil Picture representation of node’s checkbox with it’s Value set to false and hoevered.
IconUncheckedSelected Picture Nil Picture representation of node’s checkbox with it’s Value set to false and the row is selected.
ListIndex Integer -1 Current selection row index.
MultiSelect Boolean False If a user may select more than one node/row.
NotificationColor Color &c000000 Background color of notification icon.
NotificationTextColor Color &c000000 Text color of notification icon.
RemoveColor Color &c000000 Color of remove icon.
RemoveColorHover Color &c000000 Color of remove icon when hovered.
RemoveColorSelected Color &c000000 Color of remove icon when row selected.
ReorderColor Color &c000000 Color of reorder icon.
ReorderColorHover Color &c000000 Color of reorder icon when hovered.
ReorderColorSelected Color &c000000 Color of reorder icon when row selected.
RowColor Color &c000000 Background color of rows.
RowColorAlt Color &c000000 Background color of alternating rows.
RowHeight Integer 29 Height of rows.
RowHoverColor Color &c000000 Background color when row is hovered.
RowHoverTextColor Color &c000000 Text color when row is hovered.
RowTextColor Color &c000000 Text color of rows.
RowTextFont String “system” Font used to display node captions.
RowTextSize Integer 0 Text size, in points, of nodes.
ScrollMax Integer (Read-Only) 0 Maximum scroll position.
ScrollPosition Integer 0 Current scroll position.
SelectedRowColor Color &c000000 Background color of selected row.
SelectedRowTextColor Color &c000000 Text color of selected row.
ShowBorder Boolean True When True, a border is drawn around the edge of the control.
Style GraffitiTreeView.Styles Modern The style to apply to the tree’s drawing.
VerticalScroll ScrollBar Nil The VerticalScrollBar instance to be used.

Examples #

Expand/Collapse Nodes By Click #

For expanding or collapsing of nodes by interaction with the mouse, you must implement the NodeCollapse and NodeExpand events, and return True.