
Enumerations #

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

This class exposes no methods.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
ApplicationURLString“”The URL to contact for the child application. If bundling a web app child, this should remain empty.
BundleIDString“com.mycompany.myapp”The bundle identifier used for various internal operations including determining path for local storage. Must be unique.
ChildIsDebuggingBooleanFalseIf set to True, you can launch your web application from the Xojo IDE using port 8080 before running the desktop application in order to debug interactions.
ExecutableNameString“”Name of the child executable file without extensions such as “.exe” for Windows.
RememberPositionBooleanTrueWhen True, the application will write its window position to the user’s local database and remember it between launches.
RememberSizeBooleanTrueWhen True, the application will write its window size to the user’s local database and remember it between launches.
SecureBooleanFalseDetermines whether the child application will be launched using SSL. Requires the child application to have a valid SSL certificate.
UpdateURLString“”URL to the location of the version.json file on hosted web space.