
View Categories

Enumerations #


Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
HashtagChangedhashtag as StringNoneRaised when the hashtag has changed in the web application.
HeartbeatFailedsecondsElapsed as IntegerBooleanRaised when communication has been lost with the web application. Return False to quit. In local apps, this indicates an issue with the child and the application should quit.
LinkPressedurl as StringNoneThe web app has attempted to navigate to an external URL.
LoadStatusChangedNoneNoneRaised as the application loads to indicate the various stages of preparedness.
MessageReceivedmethod as String
parameters as JSONItem
NoneRaised when a custom message has been received from the child web app.
PositionViewerviewer as DesktopHTMLViewerNoneThe viewer’s default positioning has been set, and may be overridden in this event.
ReadyNoneNoneThe application has finished loading, the child application’s page is now displayed in the viewer, and the window has been displayed.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn ValueDescription
QuitNoneNoneSignals the child web application to quit, then quits this application.
SendMessagename as String
data as JSONItem
NoneSends a message to the child web application.
SettingReadname as String
defaultValue as Variant
VariantReads a setting value from the user’s local database.
SettingWritename as String
value a Variant
NoneWrites a setting value to the user’s local database.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
HeartbeatEnabledBooleanTrueWhen True, the application will send a message to the child web application every 10 seconds to ensure that it’s still alive and responsive.
LastHashtagString“”The last hashtag value received from the child application.
LoadingStateLoadStatesLoadStates.LoadingAppConfigThe current loading phase.
LoadingStateValueDouble0.0The current percentage of completeness for the current LoadingState, when applicable.
ProjectGraffitiBundle.ProjectAuto-GeneratedThe Project class instance that determines the behavior of the application.