Updating GraffitiSuite

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To upgrade GraffitiSuite in your projects, please follow these steps:

  1. Always backup your project before attempting an in-place upgrade
  2. Download the latest version of GraffitiSuite from the Account page.
  3. Open the project you wish to update.
  4. Select the App object in your project.
  5. Save and close your project.
  6. Reopen your project.
  7. Delete the GraffitiSuite folder from your project (or the GraffitiSuite classes you intend to update).
  8. From the extracted download, open the demo project.
  9. In the demo project, copy the GraffitiSuite folder (or the GraffitiSuite classes you intend to update).
  10. In your project, paste the previously copied GraffitiSuite folder (or the GraffitiSuite classes you intend to update).
  11. Save the project and close.
  12. Reopen the project.

Notes #

Required Classes #

Classes or modules that are required for all (or, at least, multiple) products are included in the Required folder, but some products may rely on one another. If you wish to breakdown GraffitiSuite to include only those things you need, preserve the Required folder and delete those products you don’t think you need one at a time, hitting Runafter each until you have sufficiently narrowed the contents.