
View Categories

Enumerations #


Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn ValueDescription
ConstructorNoneNoneCreates a new instance of the class.
Constructoricon as Picture
title as String
description as String = “”
NoneCreates a new instance of the class.
Constructortitle as String
description as String = “”
NoneCreates a new instance of the class.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
BackgroundColorDefaultColorGroupNilColors used to draw the item’s background when neither hovered or selected.
BackgroundColorHoveredColorGroupNilColors used to draw the item’s background when hovered.
BackgroundColorSelectedColorGroupNilColors used to draw the item’s background when selected.
BackgroundImagePictureNilPicture drawn to the item’s background.
BackgroundImageModeBackgroundModesBackgroundModes.ProportionalCenterDetermines how the BackgroundImage is drawn.
DescriptionString“”Text drawn as the item’s description.
DescriptionColorDefaultColorGroupNilColors applied to the item’s description text when neither hovered or selected.
DescriptionColorHoveredColorGroupNilColors applied to the item’s description text when hovered.
DescriptionColorSelectedColorGroupNilColors applied to the item’s description text when selected.
IconPictureNilPicture to draw as the item’s icon. Appears above title text.
IconSizeInteger-1Dimensions of the icon when drawn, in points. Value of “-1” uses picture object’s dimensions.
SizeTypeSizesSizes.AutoDetermines how the SizeValue property is applied.

A value of Auto will result in an item that the width of the parent component divided by the number of items added to the parent.
SizeValueString“”Value used for determining the item’s size. Empty string for Auto, string representation of a number value otherwise.
TagVariantNilDeveloper storage.
TitleString“”Text drawn as the item’s title.
TitleColorDefaultColorGroupNilColors applied to the item’s text when neither hovered or selected.
TitleColorHoveredColorGroupNilColors applied to the item’s text when hovered.
TitleColorSelectedColorGroupNilColors applied to the item’s text when selected.