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Preview #

About #

GraffitiRadialProgress provides a beautiful circular progress display control.

Enumerations #


Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

This class exposes no methods.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
BackgroundColorColorGroupNilColor applied to the negative (non-value) area.
FontNameString“System”Font name used for drawing text.
FontSizeInteger0Size applied to font for drawing text.
FontStyleGraffitiControlCanvas.FontStylesGraffitiControlCanvas.FontStyles.NoneFont style such as Bold or Italic.
SizeDouble5Pen size used for drawing value.
StyleGraffitiRadialProgress.StylesGraffitiRadialProgress.Styles.RingProgress control appearance.
TextColorColorGroupNilColor used to draw text.
ValueDouble0.0Current progress value.
ValueCaptionString“”Text drawn to override the current progress value.
ValueColorColorGroupNilColor drawn to positive (value) area.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.