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About #

GraffitiTabPanel is a system-styled component that uses the Mobile SegmentButton control along with some custom drawing and positioning magic to bring a beautifully-animated TabPanel to your mobile applications.

Enumerations #

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
SelectionChangedNoneNoneRaised when the currently visible tab has changed and any animations are complete.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
Additem as MobileSegment
container as MobileContainer
NoneAdds a new tab and panel to the control.
AddAtindex as Integer
item as MobileSegment
container as MobileContainer
NoneAdds a new tab and panel to the control at the specified index.
ContainerAtindex as IntegerMobileContainerReturns the container at the specified index in the internal array.
IndexOfitem as MobileSegmentIntegerReturns the index of the specified MobileSegment within the internal array.
LastIndexNoneIntegerReturns the last index of items in the internal array.
Removeitem as MobileSegmentNoneRemoved the specified item and its associated container.
RemoveAllNoneNoneRemove all currently added items.
RemoveAtindex as IntegerNoneRemoves the item at the specified index.
SegmentAtindex as IntegerMobileSegmentReturns the MobileSegment at the specified index within the internal array.

Properties #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
AnimationSpeedInteger250Length of animations in milliseconds.
SelectedIndexInteger-1Index of the currently selected tab.
SelectedSegmentMobileSegmentNilCurrently selected MobileSegment.