Table of Contents
About #
VerificationKit allows you to easily add email address validation and verification to your own Xojo applications.
Features #
- Email domain blocking
- Automatic sending of verification emails via SMTP
- Automatic validation of verification codes
- Automatic user database table updates
- Global rate limiting
- Per-email or IP address rate limiting
- Email subject, body HTML and body Text customization
- Sender email and name customization (where supported by the SMTP server)
Installation #
- Add the VerificationKit module to your project
- Setup the instance in the App.Opening event
- Setup code link handling in the Session.Opening event (Web)
- Implement a UI for user email and code input
Requirements #
When using in Desktop or Mobile targets, be sure to adequately obfuscate any SMTP or REST API credentials for send emails. The preferred method of implementing this class is in a Web application where the binary is stored on the server and credentials cannot be obtained from the compiled executable.Requirements #
This class has no requirements from GraffitiSuite and can be used entirely separately.Enumerations #
Name | Values |
EmailEncryptions | SSL TLS |
Constants #
This class exposes no constants.
Delegates #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
ProcessEmailMessage (Desktop/Console/Web) | message as EmailMessage | None | Method called when an email needs to be sent. |
ProcessEmailMessageMobile (Mobile) | data as VerificationKit.EmailData | None | Method called when an email needs to be sent. |
Events #
This class exposes no events.
Methods #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
Constructor | None | None | Creates a new instance of the class. |
VerifyCode | code as String | VerificationKit.EmailData | Attempts to link the code to a specific user. |
VerifyEmail | emailAddress as String ipAddress as String | VerificationKit.EmailData | Validates the emailAddress then attempts to send a verification email with a generated code. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
AddUserRow | Boolean | True | If True and UserDatabase properties are set, will attempt to add a new user row to the database. Otherwise will attempt to update an existing, matching user row. |
BlockedDomains | String() | Array( “” ) | Email domains that are not permitted to attempt verification. |
EmailAuthEnabled | Boolean | True | Determines whether EmailAuthUsername and EmailAuthPassword must be sent to the SMTP server to authenticate the user sending mail. |
EmailAuthEncryption | EmailEncryptions | EmailEncryptions.SSL | Encryption type required for SMTP server. |
EmailAuthPassword | String | “” | SMTP server authorization password. |
EmailAuthPort | Integer | 465 | SMTP server listening port. |
EmailAuthServerAddress | String | “” | SMTP server address. |
EmailAuthUsername | String | “” | SMTP server authorization username. |
EmailBatchInterval | Integer | 10 | Number of seconds between sending email batches. |
EmailBodyTemplateHTML | String | <HTML String> | Email body HTML code. Use %code% to replace with generated code. |
EmailBodyTemplateText | String | <String> | Email body plain text. Use %code% to replace with generated code. |
EmailSenderAddress | String | “” | Sender email address displayed in user’s inbox. |
EmailSenderName | String | “” | Sender name displayed in user’s inbox. |
EmailSubject | String | “Account Verification” | Email subject line. |
EnableRateLimiting | Boolean | True | Determines whether VerificationKit will attempt to limit how often verifications are attempted. |
MaximumEmailsPerBatch | Integer | 10 | Determines how many emails from the queue are sent per batch. |
MaximumGlobalAttemptsCount | Integer | 500 | Global maximum number of attempts to allow within MaximumGlobalAttemptsPeriod. |
MaximumGlobalAttemptsPeriod | Integer | 300 | Length of time, in seconds, to track attempts. |
MaximumUserAttemptsCount | Integer | 5 | User maximum number of attempts to allow within MaximumUserAttemptsPeriod. Tracked by IP Address and Email Address. |
MaximumUserAttemptsPeriod | Integer | 300 | Length of time, in seconds, to track attempts. |
MessageProcessor | ProcessEmailMessage | Nil | Must be set to a valid delegate function when UseSMTP = False or a RuntimeException will be raised when attempting to queue emails to send. |
MessageProcessorMobile | ProcessEmailMessageMobile | Nil | Must be set to a valid delegate function in Mobile projects or a RuntimeException will be raised when attempting to queue emails to send. |
UserDatabase | Database | Nil | Reference to database for adding rows or updating verification status. It is your responsibility to ensure the database is connected, setup properly, and ready before verifications occur. |
UserDatabaseCodeField | String | “” | Database field to store the code for checking later. Should be a text type field with a minimum length of 20 characters. |
UserDatabaseEmailField | String | “” | Field in the database’s Users table where the user’s email is stored. |
UserDatabaseTableName | String | “” | Name of the database table where user information is stored. |
UserDatabaseVerifiedField | String | “” | Name of the field in the users database where the verification status will be stored |
UseSMTP | Boolean | False | Determines whether emails will be sent via SMTP or by calling the MessageProcessor delegate function. |
Notes #
Database Tables #
It is not required that the verification data exist on your permanent users
table. You may provide properties pointing to a table that is purely used for verification then check that table during your application’s login and other processes to ensure the user has verified their email address.