
View Categories

Enumerations #

Name Values
SelectionModes None
Sizes SizeDefault

Constants #

Name Type Value
This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
ButtonPressed button as GraffitiButtonSegmentItem None Fires when a button is selected or deselected.
MouseEnter None None Raised when the user’s cursor enters the control.
MouseExit None None Raised when user’s cursor exits the control.

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
Add button as GraffitiButtonSegmentItem None Add a new button to the Segment.
DeselectAll None None Deselects all buttons.
Item index as Integer GraffitiButtonSegmentItem Returns the item at the specified index.
Item name as String GraffitiButtonSegmentItem Returns the item with the specified name.
LastIndex None Integer Returns the index of the final item in the internal array of items.
Remove button as GraffitiButtonSegmentItem None Removes the specified button from the control.
Remove index as Integer None Removes the item at the specified index.
RemoveAll None None Remove all items from the control.
SelectAll None None Selects all items.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
FullWidth Boolean False If True all buttons will expand to fill the display, ignoring the assigned SegmentSize.
Mode SelectionModes None Determines how the control reacts to button presses.
SegmentSize Sizes SizeDefault The size of the button segments, matching the class’s constants.
Toggle Boolean False Determines whether the buttons should be toggleable.
Value GraffitiButtonSegmentItem Nil The currently selected item. Not for use when Toggle = true.

Examples #

There are currently no examples.